Jute Mill Song

Oh dear me the mill's gang fast
And the puir wee shifters canna get a rest
Shifting bobbins coorse and fine
They fairly mak' ye work for your ten and nine
Oh dear me i wish the day was done
Running up and doon the pass is nae fun
Shifting piecing spinning warp weft and twine
Tae feed and cled my bairnie affen ten and nine
Oh dear me this warld is ill divided
Them that work the hardest are the least provided
I maun bide contented dark days or fine
There's no' much pleasure living affen ten and nine
1.I Lo'e Nae A Lassie But Ane
2.Bonnie Mary
3.Rattlin' Roarin' Willie
4.John Anderson, My Jo
5.Miss Elspeth Campbell / Alick C. MacGregor
6.Jock Stewart
7.Little Song
8.Her Fa La Lo
9.The Trooper & the Maid
10.Jute Mill Song
11.Leis a Lurighan
12.Wha Widna Fecht for Charlie