Jock Stewart

My name is jock stewart
I'm a canny young man
But a roving young fellow i've been
And so be easy and free
When you're courting with me
I'm a man you'll no meet every day
Though i've got acres of land
I've got men at command
But my money i foolishly spend
I took out my gun
And with my dog i did go
All down by the banks of the tay
And so come fill up your glass
Of whisky and beer
And no matter the cost i will pay
1.I Lo'e Nae A Lassie But Ane
2.Bonnie Mary
3.Rattlin' Roarin' Willie
4.John Anderson, My Jo
5.Miss Elspeth Campbell / Alick C. MacGregor
6.Jock Stewart
7.Little Song
8.Her Fa La Lo
9.The Trooper & the Maid
10.Jute Mill Song
11.Leis a Lurighan
12.Wha Widna Fecht for Charlie