Been getting harder and harder to stay awake
如今要强撑清醒 真是变得愈发困难
I'm hearing voices inside my mind
我能够清晰听闻 内心的声音
They keep telling me I'm not worth anything
总在贬斥着我 说我是如何一文不值
And I've been thinking that they've been right
而我自己 也不由地默认赞同
You said you would save me
你曾说 要救我摆脱现状
But I don't wanna save myself
我却只想 如此自甘堕落
And you can take me as I am
你能够包容 我最真实的模样
But I am nothing left all
可我只剩下 这一具空壳
All of me insecure
I can't begin to love myself
连爱我自己 也做不到
No more no more
如此无力 无法自爱
I’m scared of consequences
我对日后 所可能产生的后果
They’re running through my head
都深感恐惧 可怖的想象总涌溢而出
Cuz I don’t want to hurt your tender heart
只因我实在不愿 令你柔软脆弱的心受伤
Been taking things for granted
曾将所有一切 都视为理所当然
But now I understand
You said you would save me
你曾说 要救我摆脱现状
But I don't wanna save myself
我却只想 如此自甘堕落
And you can take me as I am
你能够包容 我最真实的模样
But I am nothing left all
可我只剩下 这一具空壳
All of me insecure
I can't begin to love myself
连爱我自己 也做不到
No more no more
如此无力 无法自爱
Cuz I can't fight with myself anymore
因为我不想再言行不一 自相矛盾
I feel no emotion
Why can I say that I haven't spoken to you, no
那我又怎能对你说 自己从未曾袒露真心实意
You said it gets better
你曾安慰 说都会好起来
It only got worse
事实 却只是变得更糟
But I don't resent you
I'm just jealous and hurt
Cuz I wanna be better
我渴望成为 更好的自我
I wanna reimburse
All that you’ve done cuz darling all
你毫无保留 给予我的那一切
All of me insecure
I can't begin to love myself
连爱我自己 也做不到
No more no more
如此无力 无法自爱
Cuz I can't fight with myself anymore
因为我不想再言行不一 自相矛盾
I feel no emotion
Why can I say that I haven't spoken to you, no
那我又怎能对你说 自己从未曾袒露真心实意
2.All of Me