You're always in my dreams
It was so good to see your face
能看见你脸庞 我如此欢喜
And I'm hoping that you're okay
我也由衷希望 你一切安好
Cause you're not by my side
只因此时 你并不在我身边
Staring at space between
我只是静静凝视着 我自己
Me and everything that we dreamt
与我们所梦想的之间 那段距离
Lying down together on this bed
曾一起躺在这张床上 勾勒一切
Don't know if I’m alright
不知道 我是否感到波澜
Eyes wide shut I
Can’t see nothing but
我眼前 仍是空无一物
What we would look like now
我们在此刻 会是怎般模样呢
I'm up at 2 AM
凌晨两点 依然未眠
It's only me in this bed
唯有我一人 躺在这空荡的床
And I wish that you were here again
何其期愿 你也在此 重回我的左右
Darkest before the dawn
黎明破晓前 往往最是黑暗
Then why am I holding on
那我为何 仍在如此苦苦坚持
Oh, I wish that you were here again
何其期愿 你也在此 陪伴在我身边
It’s like time stopped here
这一瞬 时间恍若静止
But I see it all so clear
但一切 都如此鲜明清晰
My heart’s been aching for you
我的心 分分秒秒都在为你疼痛
Something about the night
All the stars filled the sky
点点繁星 遍布天际
Wonder if you’re looking up too
心想 你会否也在望向同一片夜空
Eyes wide shut I
Can’t see nothing but
我眼前 仍是空无一物
What we would look like now
我们在此刻 会是怎般模样呢
I'm up at 2 AM
凌晨两点 依然未眠
It's only me in this bed
唯有我一人 躺在这空荡的床
And I wish that you were here again
何其期愿 你也在此 重回我的左右
Darkest before the dawn
黎明破晓前 往往最是黑暗
Then why am I holding on
那我为何 仍在如此苦苦坚持
Oh, I wish that you were here again
何其期愿 你也在此 陪伴在我身边
Late nights when I held you closer
每当深夜之时 我更紧地搂你入怀
I got to feel your bare skin
想触及你肌肤 感受那份温暖
Wish I could do it all over, over
若我能够倒转重来 与你重逢
Air feels so cold without you here
没有你 连冷空气都变得更为刺骨
Not what it was last year
This I will never get used to
我绝无法 对此熟悉习惯
I’m up thinkin’ about you
牵挂着你 彻夜不眠
I'm up at 2 AM
凌晨两点 依然未眠
It's only me in this bed
唯有我一人 躺在这空荡的床
And I wish that you were here again
何其期愿 你也在此 重回我的左右
Darkest before the dawn
黎明破晓前 往往最是黑暗
Then why am I holding on
那我为何 仍在如此苦苦坚持
Oh, I wish that you were here again
何其期愿 你也在此 陪伴在我身边
2.All of Me