A light in the room
卿之於我 猶如星芒
It was you who was standing there
無盡黑夜 指引方向
Tried, it was true
內心期望 所見為真
As your glance met my stare
四目相對 卿會真情
But your heart drifted off
緣是為何 心若所失
Like the land split by sea
茫茫人海 無處可尋
I tried to go too far alone
拼盡全力 苦苦追求
To kneel down at your feet
只爲一朝 拜服吾愛
I’ll run, I’ll run, I’ll run, run to you
竭力追尋 只覓吾愛
I’ll run, I’ll run, I’ll run, run to you
翻山越嶺 只尋吾愛
I’ve been settling scores
苦苦改變 但求完美
I’ve been fighting so long
絕不言棄 奮戰到底
But I’ve lost your war
戰火硝煙 終是未竞
And our kingdom is gone
尋尋覓覓 家國盡失
How shall I win back
但問蒼天 如何行是
Your heart which was mine
尋回卿心 本為我有
I have broken bones And tattered clothes
襤褸衣衫 挫骨揚灰
I’ve run out of time
我亦無懼 惟時不候
I’ll run, I’ll run, I’ll run, run to you
爭分奪秒 再尋吾愛
I’ll run, I’ll run, I’ll run, run to you
殫精竭慮 難覓吾愛
Oh, I will break down the gates of heaven
何懼摧毀 天堂之門
A thousand angels stand waiting for me
天使召喚 尋求答案
Oh take my heart and I'll lay down my weapons
喚去我心 放下武器
Break my shackles to set me free
打破繭縛 重回自由
I’ll run, I’ll run, I’ll run, run to you
我仍追尋 卿為吾愛
I’ll run, (I'll run) I’ll run, (I'll Run) I’ll run, run to you
永不言棄 只求相守
Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm