Howl (Inst.)

I want to find me on the inside
我渴望找寻 心中真实的自己
It’s the greatest feeling in my life in time
我此生所体悟的 最为美好的感情
See me the way you do on the outside
面对我的外在和内里 愿你同等看待
It must really be a beautiful sight, right?
势必会是一道美妙绝伦的风景 对吗
Another day gone by
And all I see is you next to me
我眼中 满满由身边的你占据
Living like you’re fallen part
你如此崩溃心碎 勉强度日
But you don’t need to look too far
但也无需为太过遥远的事 平添忧虑
Like a breeze in the moonlight
I always feel you get close to me
我始终能感到 你近在我左右
I’m better when I’m here with you
比起孤独一人 与你相伴让我变得更好
But you only see yourself
In the way you feel in this moment
正如此时此刻 你所觉知的这般
Look beneath the stars
And find who you are
I want to find me on the inside
我渴望找寻 心中真实的自己
It’s the greatest feeling in my life in time
我此生所体悟的 最为美好的感情
See me the way you do on the outside
面对我的外在和内里 愿你同等看待
It must really be a beautiful sight, right?
势必会是一道美妙绝伦的风景 对吗
When my heart collides gently
当我的心灵 面对目之所及的世界
With my view on everything I see before me
与我真实眼见的视野 相碰撞冲突之时
It's hard to take my side
要选择其一 很是困难
And I may be something that I’m not
兴许我会成为 与我自己截然不同的另一存在
Don’t wanna lie, no
Don’t wanna lie
I'm falling
Every day More and more for you
日复一日 都更深地陷入你的魅力
I'm falling
Tell me now what I gotta to do
请告诉我 我该要怎么做
Afraid of not being loved
What if it's not real?
若一切都是虚假 该如何是好
I want to find me on the inside
我渴望找寻 心中真实的自己
It’s the greatest feeling in my life in time
我此生所体悟的 最为美好的感情
See me the way you do on the outside
面对我的外在和内里 愿你同等看待
It must really be a beautiful sight, right?
势必会是一道美妙绝伦的风景 对吗
2.Merry go round (feat. Kelsey Kuan)
3.Howl (Inst.)
4.Merry go round (Inst.)