Merry go round (feat. Kelsey Kuan)

Waking up slowly
Open up the window
I feel this breeze, it’s cool
I think it’s a sign for us two
冥冥中 感觉会有美好降临
Lately we feel like a movie
近日来 感到我们像置身电影
I wanna put this on repeat
我想将这个场面 循环播放
With you next to me
I don’t wanna go separately no
想要形影不离 绝不离开半步
Memories that we made everything a dream
将所有一切 都变作美妙梦境的回忆
I wish that we could always repeat
何其期盼 我们能永远重复不停
I wanna live in a merry-go-round
我想在旋转木马里 度过余生
Spinning and we’re never coming down
就这样不断地兜兜转转 永不停歇
With you I’m happier
和你一起 我感到愈发幸福
I’ve never felt this way before
这份情感 过往从不曾有过体会
Going around and around and around and around
转呀转呀 时刻不停 一直这样绕着圈
Merry-go-round um
Dinner everyday by the sunset
每天在夕阳的辉映下 吃着晚餐
Speaking through our words and the contact
言语一来一往 都是独属我们的单词和语言
Is it crazy if I say
若我说 是你为我完美地填补
You’re the other half that I left
我遗失的另一半 是否已然近乎疯癫
The dream that I dreamt
And floating on a cloud that’s above 9
如此欢欣雀跃 像是飞到九霄云外
Lost inside your eyes and I’m tongue tied
失去语言能力 一味迷失在你眼瞳深处
I’ll do everything it takes
So this moment doesn’t come to an end
令这一刻 能够久长永恒地延续
Don’t want it to end no
Memories that we made everything a dream
将所有一切 都变作美妙梦境的回忆
I wish that we could always repeat
何其期盼 我们能永远重复不停
I wanna live in a merry-go-round
我想在旋转木马里 度过余生
Spinning and we’re never coming down
就这样不断地兜兜转转 永不停歇
With you I’m happier
和你一起 我感到愈发幸福
I’ve never felt this way before
这份情感 过往从不曾有过体会
Going around and around and around and around
转呀转呀 时刻不停 一直这样绕着圈
Merry-go-round um
Going around with you
With you I can find a reason to say that
We can do this
We can live life in circles
这一生 都在美好里流连
Float in the air
I can grow up old with you
我也会和你相守 伴你终老
Oh with you
I wanna live in a merry-go-round
我想在旋转木马里 度过余生
Spinning and we’re never coming down
就这样不断地兜兜转转 永不停歇
With you I’m happier
和你一起 我感到愈发幸福
I’ve never felt this way before
这份情感 过往从不曾有过体会
Going around and around and around and around
转呀转呀 时刻不停 一直这样绕着圈
Merry-go-round Um
2.Merry go round (feat. Kelsey Kuan)
3.Howl (Inst.)
4.Merry go round (Inst.)