Play it again
Play it again
Take me backto you know when
Let's hear it samfor good oldworld war two
Play it sam
Play it again
GeeThe world wassimple thenback whenhearts were braveand love was true
Thenwe knew the good guys
Thenwe knew the bad
Right was right
And wrong was wrong
Accordin' to mom and dad(and we believed them)
Then a warwas calleda war
Proud as trumpet horns
But a roseby any other namestill has thorns
Play it sam
Play it for me
Take me where
I want to be
Back with youand good oldworld war two
Far awayI just can't maketoday
Far as I can befrom good oldworld war three.
1.Mythical Kings And Iguanas
2.Esther's First Communion
3.When A Man Wants A Woman
4.Yada Yada La Scala
5.The Lady With The Braid
6.Beware Of Young Girls
7.Angels And Devils The Following Day
8.Don't Put Him Down
10.Left Hand Lost
11.The New Enzyme Detergent Demise of Ali
12.Twenty-Mile Zone
13.The Midget's Lament
14.Michael Michael
15.I Ain't His Child
16.Stone For Bessie Smith
17.Starlet Starlet On The Screen Who Will Follow Norma Jean?
18.Mary C. Brown And The Hollywood Sign
19.King Kong
20.Play It Again, Sam
21.Going Home (Mythical Kings And Iguanas)