I can take one Percocet, start tonight off, I just took a 60
一片止痛药本就可以帮我熬过今夜 我却生生吞下六片
Burberry on me, shoot you in your back, you just got Pretty Ricky
身着巴宝莉名牌在你身后开枪 你便会像Ricky一样毙命
I tie the Chanel runners then I get back to running the city
系紧香奈儿运动鞋的鞋带 再回到城市中穿梭
And I know that it's hell coming, I ain't worried, my niggas, they with me
我能感觉到自己向地狱靠近 而我并不担心 因为一直有兄弟们陪着我
Gotta put the ********* down, I can feel 'em ****ing up my kidney
我必须戒掉药瘾 我能感觉到药物在摧毁我的肾脏
And punching my liver
If I let it kill me, my mama will never forgive me
如果我继续这样自甘堕落 妈妈永远都不会原谅我
Ain't numbing my feelings, if I let it kill 'em, my baby will never forgive me
药物能麻木身体 却不能麻木情感 如果我就这样屈服 我的宝贝也不会原谅我
This remind me of hell, sometimes I wonder if that's where God really sent me
这又令我想起地狱 上帝是不是真想把我送去那里?
Hands up in the fire, burn, burn, burn, burn
烈焰中的我高举双手 炽热火苗灼烧
Hands up in the fire, burn, burn, burn, burn
我高举着双手 炽烈火焰燃烧
I pray to God for some water, to wash down these Percs
我祈求上帝降下甘霖 熄灭这熊熊烈火 洗净我体内的毒素
I been cursed since birth, guess I never learn
自从出生就受到这诅咒 我想我永远无法吸取教训
Hands up in the fire, burn, burn, burn, burn
烈焰中的我高举双手 炽热火苗灼烧
Hands up in the fire, burn, burn, burn, burn
我高举着双手 炽烈火焰燃烧
I pray to God for some water, to wash down these Percs
我祈求上帝降下甘霖 熄灭这熊熊烈火 洗净我体内的毒素
I been cursed since birth, guess I never learn
自从出生就受到这诅咒 我想我永远无法吸取教训
The truth hurts, let it bleed out
真相让人痛心 难过就尽情地发泄吧
If they hurt you, let 'em leave
如果他们伤害了你 就让他们离开吧
My heart hurtin', let me bleed out, only way I'll find peace
我的心刺痛不已 让我在自我折磨中寻求平和
I'm tryna get set free, but these chains on me
我只是渴望自由 但这些锁链却将我牢牢束缚
Choke me, I can't breathe
勒紧我的脖颈 让我无法呼吸
What's reality?
Uh, detached from myself, uh-huh, numb the pain with my wealth
我早就与自我脱离了 用这些财富麻痹着我的痛苦
Uh, a bag from Chanel, match the double C on my belt, uh
香奈儿的包 配上香奈儿的腰带
Bands in my pants, I barely be holdin' my pants up
兜里塞满钞票 裤子重的不断往下掉
But the money ain't the answer
I'm just tryna reach some new highs
Mix this with that, bet it feel nice
当财富与瘾品混合 感觉真的很刺激
*******, only sip if I got ice
强劲的药物 配上腰缠万贯的我
Look my girl in her eyes, tell her I won't die
注视着爱人的眼睛 我承诺她自己不会死
I fell asleep too deep that one time
但那次我睡的实在太沉 差点再也没有醒过来
Woke up to your cry, girl, I'm fine
醒来后发现你在床边泪流满面 女孩,我没事的
But I lied, in the dream, I wasn't gon' wake up this time
但我却撒谎了 因为我至今未从那场梦中醒来
Hands up in the fire, burn, burn, burn, burn
烈焰中的我高举双手 炽热的苗灼烧
Hands up in the fire, burn, burn, burn, burn
我高举着双手 炽烈火焰燃烧
I pray to God for some water, to wash down these Percs
我祈求上帝降下甘霖 熄灭这熊熊烈火 洗净我体内的毒素
I been cursed since birth, guess I never learn
自从出生就受到这诅咒 我想我永远无法吸取教训
Hands up in the fire, burn, burn, burn, burn
烈焰中的我高举双手 炽热火苗灼烧
Hands up in the fire, burn, burn, burn, burn
我高举着双手 炽烈火焰燃烧
I pray to God for some water, to wash down these Percs
我祈求上帝降下甘霖 熄灭这熊熊烈火 洗净我体内的毒素
I been cursed since birth, guess I never learn
自从出生就受到这诅咒 我想我永远无法吸取教训
1.Until The Plug Comes Back Around
2.You Wouldn't Understand
4.Go Hard 2.0
7.From My Window
8.My Life In A Nutshell
9.Rich And Blind
10.Rockstar In His Prime
11.Girl Of My Dreams
13.Not Enough
15.Eminem Speaks
16.Feel Alone
17.Juice WRLD Speaks 2
18.Go Hard
19.Juice WRLD Speaks
22.Already Dead
23.Wandered To LA