The Next Day

I'm staring at this picture
We took at the end of last year
And I can't have you anymore
I enjoyed our time together
Although that things are over
And we have moved on
I can focus on my own problems
And find healthy coping
I will never listen to my own mind
I know my heart's good inside and outside
My OCD ****s with me
Today's my day I feel like a person
The next day's already here
Today's my day, improving myself by
The next day's plan of having no fear
Today's my day I feel like a person
The next day's already here
Today's my day, improving myself by
The next day's plan of having no fear
Today's my day I feel like a person
The next day's already here
Today's my day, improving myself by
The next day's plan of having no fear
1.Mother's Day
3.Song to Myself, Pt. I
4.When I Wake
6.Talk to Me
8.The Next Day
9.Song to Myself, Pt. II