The Place Where He Inserted the Blade

(受Bob Dylan 20年单曲 "I've Made Up My Mind to Give Myself to You"启发所作)
You're scared of a world where you're needed
So, you never made nice with the locals
But you tied me up slow with your vine stuff
但却用你的藤曼慢慢将我束缚 无从逃离
It takes a few years, but they break bones
这要耗费数年去挣脱 但他们击碎了我们的骨头
It takes a few months, but our bones heal
这要耗费数月去修养 但我们的骨头终会愈合
We're stronger and we tell all our school friends
我们痊愈 变得强壮 告知所有的同窗好友
And they sign our cast in the playground
操场上 他们簇拥着我们 在石膏上签名
Darling, the rest of my body, it's yours, then
亲爱的 我身体的其余部分 仍属于你
And I know
You're scared
Well, I'm scared too
好吧 我也一样
Oh, that every time I try to makе lunch
For anyone else, in my hеad
为什么人筹备一顿午餐 脑海中
I end up dreaming of you
And you come to me
Good morning
Show me the place where he inserted the blade
I'll praise the Lord, burn my house
我赞美上帝 随后却亲手烧毁自己的居所
I get lost, I freak out
我迷了路 丢了魂
You come home and hold me tight
你终于回了家 紧紧抱住了我
As if it never happened at all
Good morning
Show me the place where he inserted the blade
Good morning
Where is your light? Am I home?
你在何处?没了你 我又真的在家吗?
I will hold to my chest where the wind can exist
在起风的地方 我拥紧自己
I will try not to keep you too long
我努力尝试 不让你停留太久
So, clean your soup-maker and breathe in
之后 我洗净你的煲汤锅 深呼吸
Your chicken, broccoli, and everything
你的那些减肥餐 糟心的一切
The tug that's between us, that long string
我们间的拉锯战 战线漫长
Concorde, Bound 2, and my evening
协和飞机 两度跃迁 同我的夜晚(一道消亡)
The good hunter's guide to a bad night
好的捕手会引你熬过一个糟糕的夜晚 ("Good Will Hunting")
Darlin', I'll spoil it myself, thanks, you're leaving
亲爱的 之后 我会更爱自己 谢谢你的离去
Well, I tried just to stroke your dreams better
好吧 我只是想离你的梦更近些
But, darlin', I see that you're not really sleeping
And I know
You're tired
Well, I'm tired too
Oh, that every time I try to make lunch
For anyone else, in my head
为别人做点什么 脑海中
I end up dreaming of you
And you come to me
Good morning
Show me the place where he inserted the blade
I'll praise the Lord, burn my house
我赞美上帝 却亲手烧毁我的居所
I get lost, I freak out
我迷了路 丢了魂
You come home and hold me tight
你终于回了家 紧紧抱住了我
As if it never happened at all
Good morning
Show me the fifth or the cadence you want me to play
Good morning
Show me where to tie the other end of this chain
1.The Place Where He Inserted the Blade
3.Mark’s Theme
5.Good Will Hunting
6.Basketball Shoes
8.Bread Song
9.Chaos Space Marine
10.Snow Globes