Still Getting Used to Being On My Own (Piano Tapes)

When I'm playing the piano, singing out of tune
当我自弹自唱时 心不在焉
The person I picture in my head has always been you
But these days are different, you're with some other guy
时过境迁 物是人非
Stubbornly I still write every word as if you're still mine
笑我痴狂 怨我迷醉
And people think I'm crazy, people think I'm stoned
I'm just getting used to being on my own
辗转反侧 难以入眠
When it's cold and it's raining, I'm laying there at night
为你点亮了灯 彻夜未关手机
I don't lay in the middle of the bed, I lay on the right
石底藏钥 待你归来
And I need the light on, the phone up on loud
笑我痴狂 怨我迷醉
The key underneath the stone outside in case you come around
And people call me crazy, people say I'm stoned
何必自欺呢 一切都于我无碍
I'm just getting used to being on my own
笑我痴狂 怨我迷醉
If I could still feel you laying in my arms
笑我痴狂 可他们不懂
Why can't I pretend? It does me no wrong
People call me crazy, people say I'm stoned
I'm just getting used to being on my own
But people call me crazy, baby they don't know
I'm just getting used to being on my own
I'm just getting used to being on my own
1.Wrong Crowd (Piano Tapes)
2.Magnetised (Piano Tapes)
3.Concrete (Piano Tapes)
4.Constellations (Piano Tapes)
5.Sparrow (Piano Tapes)
6.Still Getting Used to Being On My Own (Piano Tapes)
7.Silhouette (Piano Tapes)
8.Jealousy (Piano Tapes)
9.Daddy (Piano Tapes)
10.Here I Am (Piano Tapes)
11.Somehow (Piano Tapes)