I'm sick to death of eating breakfast on my own
一个人的早餐 让我悲痛欲绝
Starting out my daily blues
I'm sick to death of spilling coffee on my phone
我悲伤难止 一不小心把咖啡倒在手机上
Scrolling through pictures of you
I'd like to say that maybe we could work it out
我想说 或许我们还有机会
But I know that it's no use
但我知道 一切已无法挽回
如果我能找到 有你一半好的人
If I ever find anyone half as good as you
I think maybe that will do
昨晚 我在走廊里和一个陌生人接吻
I kissed a stranger in the hallway late last night
我问他 在亲吻的时候能闭上眼睛吗
He was wearing purple shoes
I asked him when he kissed me, could he close his eyes?
人们说 我的期望太高
But he just looked at me confused
And people say my expectations are too high
只要能找到 有你一半好的人
But I'm not asking for the moon
如果我能找到 有你一半好的人
If I ever find anyone half as good as you
I think maybe that will do
If I ever find anyone half as good as you
I think maybe that will do
Oh, I'm so sick of laying here
So sick of counting tears
Comparing everyone to you
我猜想着 你会不会也在思念着我
Oh, oh
我昨天看懂了 你的所有歌词
Oh, I'm so sick of waiting here
So frustrated
My suspicions are you're laying there and thinking of me too
我走以后 你会想我
但那旋律 让我疑惑
I learned the lyrics yesterday to all your songs
我曾不停追问 你本可以指出我的过错
But there was one I couldn't do
我后来才明白 你只是在拒绝
I think the lyric went
如果我能找到 有你一半好的人
"You'll miss me when I'm gone"
But the chords, I was confused
如果我能找到 有你一半好的人
I'd ask you 'round and you could tell me where I'm wrong
But then I know you'd just refuse
If I ever find anyone half as good as you
I think maybe that will do
If I ever find anyone half as good as you
I think maybe that will do
1.Jubilee Road
2.If You Wanna Love Somebody
3.Son of an Only Child
4.You're Gonna Break My Heart Tonight
5.Queen of Diamonds
6.Half As Good As You
7.Go Tell Her Now
8.Don't Belong In Hollywood
9.Wedding Day
10.If You Wanna Love Somebody (Single Version)
11.Piano Man (Live from Radio 2's Chris Evans Breakfast Show)
12.Wrong Crowd (Live from Dublin) [Bonus Track]
13.I Know (Live from Dublin) [Bonus Track]
14.Concrete (Live from London) [Bonus Track]
15.See If I Care (Live from Dublin) [Bonus Track]
16.Half As Good As You