(Intro: Eminem & Dr. Dre)
Yeah (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
What? (Uh) What? (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Dre, you ready? (Woo, woo, woo, woo)
Dre 准备好了吗?(喔喔喔喔)
C'mon (Yo, we gotta do whatever)
来吧(呦 无论如何我们都得)
Alright (Check, check, check, check, check)
Get 'em!
(Verse 1: Dr. Dre)
Cut 'em undercover, timeless
暗中出动 这方法永不过时
Ready for 'em, progress
准备好干翻他们 不断向前
Feelin' like I'm just gettin' started
Two shots back for my dearly departed
Uh, you are now dealin' with a monster
额 你现在可是在和怪物打交道
Boss shit, profits
当老板 赚大钱
Doc Dre, bitch, I'm a prophet
Dr. Dre 碧池 爷老预言家了
Black Wall Street, niggas know where the stock is
黑色华尔街 人尽皆知哪儿去哪儿囤货
Heh, try me
嘿 想和爷碰碰是吧
Niggas never see me, but it ain't hard to find me
你们这些东西连我面都没见过 但找我还难?
Heh, unwinding
切 且听我娓娓道来
Shit's blinding, still grinding
身上的家伙都闪闪发亮 还在不断赚取
Uprising, agh
奋力向前 啊
Stop talking 'bout the past, I'm the future, nigga
别讨论什么过去 爷就是未来 憨批
Nigga like me still here, mother****er, go figure
和我一样牛的人都还在呢 憨批 好好想想吧
Lookin' for my next gold digger
看看哪儿还能赚钱(gold digger双关 靠诱惑骗钱的女人)
This summer here gon' be colder than winter
Already told you, I fold you like hundreds of billions
要跟你说了 我能给你像百亿似的给你整骨折(fold双关)
And you can go missing, put that on my children
你也可以失踪哈 为了孩子爷也行
Bet that, nigga, what?
你敢打赌吗 憨批?啥?
Regret that, run it up
Heh, and I'm about to sum it up
嘿 我来给你总结吧
This shit here that problem
Livin' at the bottom of a bottle
"Full throttle" my motto, eh
“全速前进” 这是我座右铭 诶
****in' with me like ****in' with the lotto
惹我 你这怕不是在玩落托数卡牌戏(也就是拿命玩)?
That awful in your nostril
In a brothel, this is gospel
搁窑子 这玩意儿可是真理
Yeah, I'ma need all that, pronto
耶 全速前进
(Chorus: Dr. Dre & Eminem)
Yes, I, yes, I, yes, I ride 'til I die
没错 我 没错 我 没错 我誓死不渝
Give a **** if you bitches die
Put a mother****ing hole in your face
Back up, bitch, don't even try
往后稍稍吧 老弟 试试就逝世
I am that mother****er, been the coldest
爷就是最牛滴 一直都是最冷酷无情滴
Why you on that? No one know us
Overdosed on what dope is (Yeah)
最顶尖 最牛滴 超出极限(dope双关 懂的都懂哈)
Hip-hop shit sell better than the coke did
(Verse 2: Eminem)
Like a satanic cult, it's
An old ritual slaughtering goats, bitch (Goats, bitch, yeah)
屠宰撒旦是老习俗了 憨批(GOAT双关:永远的神)
You're ****ing with the original, flow's sick
你得知道 爷是原创 flow超赞
And anybody can get it—COVID (**** with that?)
还有谁能达到爷这水平——也就这个全球范围内的肺部病毒了吧?(笑死了 没工夫搭理你)(get双关)
I done wrote shit
That was so sharp, I could slit my own ****ing throat with it
都特尖锐 感觉都能出人命的那种
So rich, I got more chips than my shoulders
富得流油 钱比恨都多(chip双关)
And I'm about as approachable as a roach is (Roach is)
爷也挺亲近的 和蟑螂的程度一样
Yeah, so better steer clear from him
耶 最好赶紧让道
Here comes a nuclear bomb for your eardrums
Lyricism at its most fearsome and fierce
抒情奔放 爷的词就是此般风格
We're on another tier like a tear duct's upper echelon (Yeah)
我们可天差地别 哭了可别赖泪腺哈(tear|tier)
Your career sucked (Meaning what?), it was sheer luck (Like what?)
你们这生涯真没眼看 全靠运气
Like a ****in' leprechaun with its beard cut
(Still a) Punisher, weapon drawn with a beer gut (Haha)
还是个惩罚者 挺着啤酒肚给你一枪
You're slower than a Decepticon with its gear stuck
(And I what?) I serial kill, and you're Kellogg's (What?)
(我又咋了?)连环x手 你就是个麦片杀手吧
I love checks and I hate tricks
爷爱钱 然后超恨小把戏
And you're a fake bitch (Bitch)
I could spot you like you 'bout to weight lift (Yeah)
我一眼就看出你不是啥好东西 举重我给你看着
Bitch, I'm badder than cake mix
姐妹 面包糊都没我糊
(But I) Can't be whipped with egg beaters (Nah)
You cunts must be out of your labias
你这傻x 瞎说啥
And God is my alias, so if I don't have faith in me
上帝都是爷的化名 爷要不信仰自己
Then it basically makes me an atheist (Woo!)
Nate Diaz got the world by the tracheas
学Nate Diaz靠着一个气管掌控世界
In a chokehold and a sleeper (*Snores*)
Yeah, and me and Dre are like dog hair (Woof)
We're both in our lab coats like retrievers (Grrr)
我们都在录音室 披上外套就像拉布拉多似的找对手去了
But like a Doberman, I'm a whole different breed of (What?)
但是像杜宾犬 我完全就不是同一个物种
Animal mutt mixed with a overachiever (Yeah)
你狗 就是杂种 穷途末路啦
Oh, you're the king of rap? You're 'bout to be overthrown
哦 您就是说唱之王?你要被推翻喽
Like a pass over the head of an open receiver
This shit could end up comin' to blows like a wiener (Haha)
起码你的头还能整一发 还好你是小香肠
But I ain't finished puttin' these hoes through the wringer (Nah)
可是 我折磨你们也没尽兴
Like clothes in between the two rollers, and– wait, no
就像洗衣机里两个滚筒 碾压你们 然后—— 等会儿 不是
What I mean is flows interwoven, I treat 'em like thread (Why?)
我意思是 爷的flow顺畅变化 对这玩意儿就很玩毛线球
That's how I wound up sewin' Machine up
就这么整才能让那个Machine Gun“缝口”
So, ****s, if you don't give up me, then
所以 辣鸡们 若是你们还没放弃挑战我
Time to ride or die, 'cause you're either both or you're neither (Yeah, yeah)
那现在就是骑车逃跑 或是亡命的时刻啦 毕竟不是你们都没就是都跑
Throw a middle finger up if you're rollin', but, me, I'm gonna— (Yeah, yeah)
准备跟我 就竖起中指
(Chorus: Dr. Dre)
Ride 'til I die
Give a **** if you bitches die
Put a mother****ing hole in your face
Back up, bitch, don't even try
往后稍稍吧 老弟 试试就逝世
I am that mother****er, been the coldest
爷就是最牛滴 一直都是最冷酷无情滴
Why you on that? No one know us
Overdosed on what dope is
最顶尖 最牛滴 超出极限
Hip-hop shit sell better than the coke did
1.Falling Up
3.The Scenic Route
5.Diamond Mind
6.Black Privilege