How have we come to be mere mirrors to annihilation?
Whom do we aspire to reflect our people's death?
For whose entertainment shall we sing our agony?
One hopes that the destroyers aspiring to extinguish us
Will suffer conciliatory remorse at the sight of their own fantastic success
The last imbecile that dreams such dreams is dead
Killed by the saviors of his dreams
How have we come to be mere mirrors to annihilation?
1.Quetzalcoatal Comes Through
2.Seed Song
3.Duke Ellington
4.Love Cuts The Strings
5.Third Snow Song
6.Fresh Berries For You
7.Pure Honey
8.Going To Malibu
9.The Monkey Song
10.Night Of The Mules
11.Hand Ball
12.The Window Song
14.Pure Heat
15.Billy The Kid's Dream Of The Magic Shoes
16.Going To Tennessee
17.Chinese Rifle Song
18.Alpha Omega
19.Yam, The King Of Crops
21.Coco-Yam Song
22.Two Thousand Seasons
23.Omega Blaster