A knocking sound it woke me up,
But my legs were feeling weak.
I stared up at the ceiling and i saw you at the window.
But my mouth wouldn't let me speak.
I know you.
You're the one i spent three seasons trying to pretend
That i never knew.
Something pulled me off the bed.
And the same thing moved the muscles in my legs.
I moved towards you voice, and my body got so light,
I could've walked on eggs right then and not broken a one of them.
1.Quetzalcoatal Comes Through
2.Seed Song
3.Duke Ellington
4.Love Cuts The Strings
5.Third Snow Song
6.Fresh Berries For You
7.Pure Honey
8.Going To Malibu
9.The Monkey Song
10.Night Of The Mules
11.Hand Ball
12.The Window Song
14.Pure Heat
15.Billy The Kid's Dream Of The Magic Shoes
16.Going To Tennessee
17.Chinese Rifle Song
18.Alpha Omega
19.Yam, The King Of Crops
21.Coco-Yam Song
22.Two Thousand Seasons
23.Omega Blaster