I get letters telling me since I moved away
You've taken to hanging out on that rock about a mile from shore
Given what I know about that rock mainly that it's populated by seals
I strongly suggest to you that you not hang out there anymore
Cause the seal is a wily and a vicious creature
And the seal will bite you if you give him half a chance
yeah the seal has a mind set on violence
And the seal is the sworn enemy of man
Now when I say that the seal is vicious I use the term advisedly
According to Webster's 9th New Collegiate Definition 4b.
Which states that vicious means marked by ferocity
And offers as a synonym, savage
Cause the seal is a vicious and a wily creature
And the seal has a mind full of evil designs
And the seal will harm you and laugh about it
Yeah the seal is not a creature you want to toy with
Yeah the seal is not a creature you want to toy with
1.Sun Song
2.Water Song II
3.Ice Blue
4.Pure Milk
5.Keep it On Your Mind
6.Going to Spain
7.Going to Kansas
8.The Water Song
9.Lab Rat Blues
10.Going to Mexico
11.Going to Chino
12.Standard Bitter Love Song #4
14.The Cow Song
15.The Torch Song
16.(Be Quiet)
17.Spilling Towards Alpha
18.Alpha Negative
19.The Garden Song
20.Going to Wisconsin
21.Thanks for the Dress
22.Tell Me On a Sunday
23.Feed This End
24.Going to Norwalk
26.Fresh Cherries in Trinidad
27.The Hot Garden Stomp
28.Beach House
29.Going To Japan
30.Are You Cleaning Off the Stone
31.Love Hymn to Aphrodite
32.Hello There Howard