there was the sound of a lake boiling over
on that day.
everyone said just to sit still,
but the thickening air got in my way.
so the hooks been baited now,
yeah, the cheese is on the water.
yeah, all the water's been cleansed of all impurities,
but now it really doesn't matter.
let's go! let's go!
wisconsin bound.
wisconsin bound.
wisconsin bound.
yeah, wisconsin bound.
the bottom of the boat was a hot-plate come alive.
but the boat wasn't real, and this is how I feel:
you don't know where you are, until you arrive.
and the frogs sang out from the distant banks.
and you say you need me in california,
but, no thanks!
wisconsin bound.
wisconsin bound.
wisconsin bound.
yeah, wisconsin bound.
let's go!
1.Sun Song
2.Water Song II
3.Ice Blue
4.Pure Milk
5.Keep it On Your Mind
6.Going to Spain
7.Going to Kansas
8.The Water Song
9.Lab Rat Blues
10.Going to Mexico
11.Going to Chino
12.Standard Bitter Love Song #4
14.The Cow Song
15.The Torch Song
16.(Be Quiet)
17.Spilling Towards Alpha
18.Alpha Negative
19.The Garden Song
20.Going to Wisconsin
21.Thanks for the Dress
22.Tell Me On a Sunday
23.Feed This End
24.Going to Norwalk
26.Fresh Cherries in Trinidad
27.The Hot Garden Stomp
28.Beach House
29.Going To Japan
30.Are You Cleaning Off the Stone
31.Love Hymn to Aphrodite
32.Hello There Howard