The sacred mountain of the revolution
A beacon for our age
And in the distance see the moonlit fountain
The setting for our stage
Everlasting Joy
From cloud land comes that vail
that masks the mountain
The frozen alters thaw
Run salty rivers
run to flood the valleys
And weeds among the lords
Everlasting Joy
Everlasting Joy
Everlasting Joy
Hissing currents,
Hyper Structures,
Plastic idols,
Kissing couples,
Cloud formations,
Cold gate keepers,
Neon shadows,
Everlasting Joy.
1.Mausoleum of My Former Self
2.Seeking New Gods
3.Hiking in Lightning
4.Distant Snowy Peaks
5.Can't Carry On
6.The Keep
7.Loan Your Loneliness
8.Holiest of the Holy Men
9.Everlasting Joy