Loan Your Loneliness

Your silicon strategy’s in free fall
Your helicon flutters in high frequency
The powercut undercuts you free flow
There’s nobody left to casually hold your hand,
Loan me your unholy lowly loneliness,
Loan me your unholy lowly loneliness,
You’re only in a mess!
Hills look so lonely when they’re stranded,
So tokenistic in a field of green,
Whilst when they’re together as a forrest,
Then they appear oh! So frequently,
Loan me your unholy lowly loneliness,
Loan me your unholy lowly loneliness,
You’re only in a mess!
Loan me your unholy lowly loneliness,
Loan me your unholy lowly loneliness,
You’re only in a mess!
1.Mausoleum of My Former Self
2.Seeking New Gods
3.Hiking in Lightning
4.Distant Snowy Peaks
5.Can't Carry On
6.The Keep
7.Loan Your Loneliness
8.Holiest of the Holy Men
9.Everlasting Joy