Grass grass grass
Tree tree tree
Leafy leaf leaf
One two three
Birdy birdy bird
Fly fly fly
Nest nest nest
High high high
Cloudy cloudy cloud
Windy wind wind
Rainy rain rain
Mud mud mud
Doggie doggie dog
Runy run run
Quickie quick quick
Homey home home
Bedy bed bed
Sheety sheet sheet
Sleepy sleep sleep
Dreamy dream dream
Dancie dance dance
Singy sing sing
Grow grow grow
Biggy big big
1.Little Liza Jane
2.Little Bird, Little Bird
3.Three Little Birds
4.Peace Like A River
5.Down In The Valley
6.Los Pollitos (The Little Chicks)
7.Who's My Pretty Baby
8.Zousan (Little Elephant)
9.If You Listen
10.Buckeye Jim
11.The North Wind
12.Pm Na Tu Ri
13.Lily Pond
14.Winter's Come And Gone
15.Grassy Grass Grass
16.Little Wing
17.What Goes On