First Booke of Songes 1597:18. His golden locks

His golden locks Time hath to silver turned.
O Time too swift, O swiftness never ceasing:
His youth 'gainst Time and Age hath ever spurned,
But spurned in vain; youth waneth by increasing.
Beauty, strength, youth are flowers but fading seen;
Duty, faith, love are roots, and ever green.
Beauty, strength, youth are flowers but fading seen;
Duty, faith, love are roots, and ever green.
His helmet now shall make a hive for bees,
And lovers' sonnets turn to holy psalms.
A man at arms must now serve on his knees,
And feed on prayers which are Age's alms.
But though from Court to cottage he depart,
His Saint is sure of his unspotted heart.
But though from Court to cottage he depart,
His Saint is sure of his unspotted heart.
And when he saddest sits in homely cell,
He'll teach his swains this carol for a song:
Blest be the hearts that wish my Sov'reign well.
Curst be the soul that think her any wrong.
Goddess, allow this aged man his right
To be your beadsman now, that was your knight.
Goddess, allow this aged man his right
To be your beadsman now, that was your knight.
1.First Booke of Songes 1597:4. If my complaints could passions move
2.First Booke of Songes 1597:3. My thoughts are wing'd with hopes
3.First Booke of Songes 1597:1. Unquiet thoughts
4.First Booke of Songes 1597:2. Whoever thinks or hopes
5.First Booke of Songes 1597:6. Now O now I needs must part
6.First Booke of Songes 1597:7. Dear if you change
7.First Booke of Songes 1597:10. Think'st thou then
8.First Booke of Songes 1597:11. Come away come sweet love
9.First Booke of Songes 1597:5. Can she excuse my wrongs
10.First Booke of Songes 1597:9. Go crystal tears
11.First Booke of Songes 1597:8. Burst forth my tears
12.First Booke of Songes 1597:15. Wilt thou unkind
13.First Booke of Songes 1597:12. Rest awhile you cruel cares
14.First Booke of Songes 1597:13. Sleep wayward thoughts
15.First Booke of Songes 1597:16. Would my conceit
16.First Booke of Songes 1597:14. All ye whom love or fortune
17.First Booke of Songes 1597:19. Awake sweet love
18.First Booke of Songes 1597:17. Come Again: Sweet Love Doth Now Invite
19.First Booke of Songes 1597:20. Come heavy sleep
20.First Booke of Songes 1597:18. His golden locks
21.First Booke of Songes 1597:21. Away with these self-loving lads