First Booke of Songes 1597:20. Come heavy sleep

Come heavy sleep, the image of true death;
and close up these my weary weeping eies:
Whose spring of tears doth stop my vitall breath,
and tears my hart with sorrows sign swoln cries:
Com and possess my tired thoughts, worne soule,
That living dies, till thou on me be stoule.
Com and possess my tired thoughts, worne soule,
That living dies, till thou on me be stoule.
Come shadow of my end, and shape of rest,
Allied to death, child to blakefact night:
Come thou and charm these rebels in my breast,
Whose waking fancies doe my mind affright.
O come sweet sleepe; come, or I die ever:
Come ere my last sleep comes, or come never.
O come sweet sleepe; come, or I die ever:
Come ere my last sleep comes, or come never.
1.First Booke of Songes 1597:4. If my complaints could passions move
2.First Booke of Songes 1597:3. My thoughts are wing'd with hopes
3.First Booke of Songes 1597:1. Unquiet thoughts
4.First Booke of Songes 1597:2. Whoever thinks or hopes
5.First Booke of Songes 1597:6. Now O now I needs must part
6.First Booke of Songes 1597:7. Dear if you change
7.First Booke of Songes 1597:10. Think'st thou then
8.First Booke of Songes 1597:11. Come away come sweet love
9.First Booke of Songes 1597:5. Can she excuse my wrongs
10.First Booke of Songes 1597:9. Go crystal tears
11.First Booke of Songes 1597:8. Burst forth my tears
12.First Booke of Songes 1597:15. Wilt thou unkind
13.First Booke of Songes 1597:12. Rest awhile you cruel cares
14.First Booke of Songes 1597:13. Sleep wayward thoughts
15.First Booke of Songes 1597:16. Would my conceit
16.First Booke of Songes 1597:14. All ye whom love or fortune
17.First Booke of Songes 1597:19. Awake sweet love
18.First Booke of Songes 1597:17. Come Again: Sweet Love Doth Now Invite
19.First Booke of Songes 1597:20. Come heavy sleep
20.First Booke of Songes 1597:18. His golden locks
21.First Booke of Songes 1597:21. Away with these self-loving lads