Criteria for a Black Widow

can u touch it can u hold it can u love it can u need it can u use it can u taste it can u screw it can u waste it
Black Widow can u caress it can u crave it can u kiss it can u save it can u use it can u break it can u destroy it can u rape it
Black Widow can u eat it can you suck it can u bleed it can u **** it can u torture it can u make it quit can u set it free thank god it'll never be me
Black Widow
1.Schizos (Are Never Alone) Part 3
2.Loving the Sinner
3.Sonic Homicide
6.Criteria for a Black Widow
7.Nothing Left
8.Double Dare
10.Jeff Waters Speaks
11.Back to the Palace
12.Loving Sinner [Jeff Waters Vocal Verson]