abuse me, confuse me
I'm beggin for a kind of release adultery and the misery they're not the kind of things you can police sinking to an all-time low
I'm drowning with a smack in the face a torture with a slow decay the devil's wearing leather and lace why did all the lovin turn to anger how did everything just fade away get off of your ass it's time to get some ****in class well everybody ****s up but enough's enough depression, the obsession
I'm trying not to get out of bed bullet proof, the invincible can someone tell me whether
I'm dead I'm like a zombie, like a vegetable just withering away in the ground
I took a deep screw from a thin wrench pain queen you look good in your crown charging, like a battering ram nobody's ever gettin in my way
I'll do you like a beast from hell and then we'll see what you say well you can rip me, you can tear me so go ahead and say what you must cause you're a liar, you're a bad child farewell and you can live in my dust
1.Schizos (Are Never Alone) Part 3
2.Loving the Sinner
3.Sonic Homicide
6.Criteria for a Black Widow
7.Nothing Left
8.Double Dare
10.Jeff Waters Speaks
11.Back to the Palace
12.Loving Sinner [Jeff Waters Vocal Verson]