Terrible As An Army With Banners

Careworn and all alone - First days
Charon the unborn - Days erased
Death: Venus unfurled -
The world we lost we found - spoiled
No sun No birds No stars No form
Evened we are fallen all before time
Lief lorn we unlearn all crime
Lives - levelled as lies
A star mourns souls ungraved - ignored
Slow wheels: Mira. Algol. Maia
Rose Dawn Daemon Rise Up
and seize the morning - your due
Love solves worlds - with words
Arise Amidnight and heaven
stumbles - as time ends
Last days hollow souls view
Glass maze a science sees us through
History moulds men
Selves men made
its tyrannies end when
its ghosts are laid.
Dark Class marches past to war
Class cause carries all before
Capital steals Fire
Fools no more
his factories free dreams
his Kings expire
Rose Dawn Day Moon.
Take Care! Banners of Crimson
are raised
Time solves words - by deeds
Arise work men and seize
the future. Let Ends Begin.
1.First Light
2.Citizen King
4.Pre-Teenbeat I
5.Nirvana For Moles
8.Demi-lune Jaune
9.Red Riff
10.Chorale Flautando
11.Fair As The Moon
12.Rapt In A Blanket
13.Halsteren 3
14.First Suspension
15.Extension 2
16.Extension 3
17.Solo 2
18.Solo Extension 2
19.Halsteren 4
20.Second Suspension
21.Extension 4
22.Solo 3
23.Solo Extension 3
24.Hasteren 5
25.Living In The Heart Of The Beast 1
26.Living In The Heart Of The Beast 2
27.Living In The Heart Of The Beast 3
28.Living In The Heart Of The Beast 4
29.Living In The Heart Of The Beast 5
30.Living In The Heart Of The Beast 6
31.Living In The Heart Of The Beast 7
32.Living In The Heart Of The Beast 8
33.Living In The Heart Of The Beast 9
34.Nirvana For Rabbits
35.Ottawa Song
36.Twilight Bridge
37.Gloria Gloom
38.Hamburg 1
39.Hamburg 2
40.Red Noise 10
41.Hamburg 3
42.Hamburg 4
43.Hamburg 5
44.Pre-Teenbeat II
45.Came To See You
46.Amygdala Extract [Pre-Legend Demo]
48.Terrible As An Army With Banners
49.We Did It Again
50.Trondheim I
51.Trondheim I
52.Trondheim I
53.Trondheim I
54.Trondheim II
55.Trondheim I
56.Trondheim II
57.Trondheim I
58.Little Red Riding Hood Hit The Road
59.Trondheim I
60.Trondheim II
61.A Heart
62.Trondheim II
63.Trondheim II
64.Trondheim I
65.Trondheim I
66.Trondheim I
67.Three Little Steps
68.Cycling Over The Cliff
69.Olwyn Grainger
70.Betty McGowan
72.Heron Shower Over Hamburg
73.Ruins II
74.Lottie Hare
75.Ruins I
76.Half Asleep, Half Awake
77.Solo Extension 1
78.Halsteren 2
79.Solo 1
80.Extension 1
81.Halsteren 1
82.Trondheim II
83.The March