Like so many of you
I've got my doubts about how much to contribute
To the already rich among us...
How long can I pretend that music's more relevant
Than fighting for a socialist world?
Someone watching us – knows I'm bad
Black plastic along blue-black wall
Small square of places where dead men can look through
Run along and see the prison bar
Throw a stone across an empty road
You and your friend will be found
Outside the daydream
I've woken up to watch you sleep...
9.Red Riff
13.Halsteren 3
15.Extension 2
16.Extension 3
17.Solo 2
19.Halsteren 4
21.Extension 4
22.Solo 3
24.Hasteren 5
35.Ottawa Song
37.Gloria Gloom
38.Hamburg 1
39.Hamburg 2
40.Red Noise 10
41.Hamburg 3
42.Hamburg 4
43.Hamburg 5
50.Trondheim I
51.Trondheim I
52.Trondheim I
53.Trondheim I
54.Trondheim II
55.Trondheim I
56.Trondheim II
57.Trondheim I
59.Trondheim I
60.Trondheim II
61.A Heart
62.Trondheim II
63.Trondheim II
64.Trondheim I
65.Trondheim I
66.Trondheim I
73.Ruins II
74.Lottie Hare
75.Ruins I
78.Halsteren 2
79.Solo 1
80.Extension 1
81.Halsteren 1
82.Trondheim II
83.The March