The Stars Our Destination

In a fluid and shifting
Creative and destructive
Like water when it burns
Conjunction of opposites
Active/passive principles
Freedom/slave, fire/water
In a fluid and shifting
Creative and destructive
Like water when it burns
Conjunction of opposites
Active/passive principles
Fame/glory, fire/water
In a fluid and shifting
I will drink fire/water
1.Ping Pong (Original Version)
2.Three Dee Melodie
3.Transona Five
4.Wow And Flutter
5.Des Etoiles Electroniques
7.Three Longers Later
8.Nihilist Assault Group
9.International Colouring Contest
10.The Stars Our Destination
11.Transporte Sans Bouger
12.L'Enfer Des Forms
13.Outer Accelerator
14.New Orthophony
15.Fiery Yellow