Nihilist Assault Group

What's morals after all
Set of rules from above
Moral panic calls for more censorship
While annihilating le perdure sens critique
Critique, moral panic calls for more censorship
Morals are for the
Blind, not the critical mind (only on parts 3,4,5)
Morals which don't even tackle the real issues
Moral Which seek intervention and control
Morals which don't even tackle the real problems
Morals that just seek control over our lives
1.Ping Pong (Original Version)
2.Three Dee Melodie
3.Transona Five
4.Wow And Flutter
5.Des Etoiles Electroniques
7.Three Longers Later
8.Nihilist Assault Group
9.International Colouring Contest
10.The Stars Our Destination
11.Transporte Sans Bouger
12.L'Enfer Des Forms
13.Outer Accelerator
14.New Orthophony
15.Fiery Yellow