Human Disease (S.K.U.M.M.)

制作人 : cEvin Key/David Ogilvie
whatever painted part taught deeply enclosed in mother earth life bornaddict breathe angel whatever paint it up so closer to farther apartmeat seeking missiles consuming rain forest infested veins theriver flow urban needle inject carcinogen chemicals relieve the stress slowsconsumer rotting sight no taste odorless clear seeping water poisoningall producing nothing intelligent to cause disease human breed in selfperpetuating whatever close at hand finger cramp virtuoso closet problemepileptic machines shudder shock who is over who is on top malformedearth born shake all is a disease biped walk so straight earth can be sogiving as it can be irrate what if to burn up and out with illing overdoubt sight no taste odorless fda recommends to take daily allowanceof them 26 unknown carcinogens 26 unknown cancer causing supplementsinfested chemicals fda virtuoso closet problem whatever to plot or buildto self destruct the so called lesser beast exhibits harmony walk straightbiped relate walking disease green is the grass of survivalfeeding the cows that they dine on all is a disease human disease survival
1.Who's Laughing Now?
2.******* (Censor)
3.Fritter (Stella's Home)
4.Harsh Stone White
5.VX Gas Attack
7.State Aid
8.Human Disease (S.K.U.M.M.)
10.The Second Opinion
11.Hospital Waste
12.Punk In Park Zoo's
13.Yes He Ran