制作人 : cEvin Key/David Ogilvie
at ground zero pro independence heavier than air fumes city of chemicalalleged cyanide gas on to karbala what is the difference betweenisrael's plight a belief in outside influence like scalding water a sideeffect of their faces and lungs burn a sudden harsh smell 2 weeks afterstill coughing and choking livid skin blisters burn often posters leafletsnightly radio and television programs dead instructions in theuse of such basic devices as a damp tovel lined with charcoal to beapplied to the face and mouth when the beep beep beep gas attackwarning signal sounds the dead were among porcelain face of cloud offrozen gas poison jagged fragment jew iranian iraqi bombs sun thefirst cyanide gas warning vx nerve gas
1.Who's Laughing Now?
2.******* (Censor)
3.Fritter (Stella's Home)
4.Harsh Stone White
5.VX Gas Attack
7.State Aid
8.Human Disease (S.K.U.M.M.)
10.The Second Opinion
11.Hospital Waste
12.Punk In Park Zoo's
13.Yes He Ran