Golden Mountain in Beijing

1.Founding of the Party
2.Solidarity Song
3.Hammer of the Working Class
4.Join in the Fight
5.Himno De Riego
6.The Blackleg Miner
8.We Sing for the Future
9.There You Will Find My Bones
10.Song of the Cyub
11.The Spirit of Cable Street
12.We People
13.Bold Fenian Men
14.Take Up the Fight
15.The Lords of Labour
16.Fight the Cuts
17.Cripplin' Blows
18.The Workers’ Song
19.In Imperialist Wars
20.We’re Not Afraid
21.Mr Media Man
22.Golden Mountain in Beijing
23.People of St. Pauls, Bristol
24.Song for the British Working Class
25.The Workers of Ontario
26.Montreal Textile Worker
27.The Dream of the Generations