Watchmaker -Hands Like Houses
Watchmaker teach me the ways
I want to learn the secrets
And the sciences of seconds
Watchmaker teach me the ways
The methods to dull my ears to the sound
Teach me how to rewind rewind
So I can relive every second
Minute all I missed oh
I'm always focused on the next thing
If only I could pause and re Teach me how
If I were a watchmaker
I 'd build suspension into the springs
Hidden gears secret faces
Undiscovered hours to keep you in
Undiscovered hours to keep you in
There 'll be no back there 'll be no forth
Just us where we are
Watchmaker teach me the workings
I want to learn the secrets
And the sciences of seconds
Teach me the seasons
The measure of these machines
I'll take you mp you people sounds
I 'm haunted by mechanical sounds
Damped stolen and swallowed
Relentless counting down
In the bellies of old enemies
I 'm plagued by the tick tock tick tock
But with vehemence I 'll
Take to their faces and tear them away
There 's tension in me
I 'm wound up and bound to an endless release
A robin imprisoned in a carved clock
I 'm a tune locked in a music box
To a grave melody
I can feel a nervousness in my fingers
To spindles they 're wasting away
And with every twitch they 're turning
Passing by with my meaningless revolutions
Watchmaker teach me the workings
I want to learn the secrets
And the sciences of seconds
Teach me the seasons
The measure of these machines
Cas it take me the measure of these machines
I gazed too deep I leaned in too close
Caught by the collar
And dragged into a two four waltz
Drawn into steps unfamiliar to me
I was passed like partners
Between turning teeth
Watchmaker teach me the workings
I want to learn the secrets
And the sciences of seconds
We got the word
2.This Ain't No Place For Animals
3.One Hundred
4.The Sower
5.A Clown and His Pipe
6.Lion Skin
7.Don't Look Now, I'm Being Followed. Act Normal
8.Starving To Death In The Belly Of The Whale
9.Spineless Crow
11.The Definition of Not Leaving