Another Song About T.V.

another song about tv
how much tv sucks
washes your brain of
intelligence you sit
around all night and day
was life really ment to
be thin way? tv sucks!
watching your life go
down the tube and you
wonder why every day's
a re-run nothing
different happens
nothing new your life's a
show and the show is
over tv sucks! a waste of
time of a created mind
star trek's been airing far
to long can you sleep at
night without sight and
sound what ever
happened to reality? tv
2.Anywhere But Here
4.Want Ad
6.Think Twice
8.The Aspect
9.Ears To Hear
10.Too Much Thinking
11.Time Brings Change
12.Bad Hair Day
13.Another Song About T.V.
14.Jars Of Clay
15.High Standards
16.Twisted Words
17.No Room
18.One Way Window
19.Dead End
20.Jay Jay's Song
21.Walking Bye