Too Much Thinking

I can't get to sleep at
Night just thinking about
The day that you'll be
Here everything's gonna
Be alright when
I'mThinking about holding
You near will you look
Away from me?
PleaseDon't look away from me
I'm gonna sit and
Consider flowers
I'mGonna sit and think for
HoursRight now the box
I'm inWell it's a good box
IHope you'll open it the
Way I see it in my mind is
You are here and there
You're gonna sit will you
Look away from me?
Please don't look away
From meWhat it comes down to is
This with my
Expectations did
I missThe way you felt for me
Or did you ever want for
This to be?
2.Anywhere But Here
4.Want Ad
6.Think Twice
8.The Aspect
9.Ears To Hear
10.Too Much Thinking
11.Time Brings Change
12.Bad Hair Day
13.Another Song About T.V.
14.Jars Of Clay
15.High Standards
16.Twisted Words
17.No Room
18.One Way Window
19.Dead End
20.Jay Jay's Song
21.Walking Bye