Arrangement:Wesley Zheng [00:02.81]Producer:Wesley Zheng [00:03.50]Chorus Arrangement:Wesley Zheng [00:04.37]Backing Vocal:Ceny Lee/Bonnie Kang
Recording Engineer :Jonathan Zhang
Recording Studio:Yogin Studio
Mixing Engineer :Wesley Zheng [00:07.73]Mastering Engineer :Jonathan Zhang
Mastering Studio :Yogin Studio
Creative Director:Wesley Zheng/Benji Z/Anton Zachary
Graphic Design:Benji Z
Photographer:Shi Zhi(@侍知)
Make-up&Styling:Shi Zhi(@侍知) &Ceny Lee
Let’em talk 让他们八卦去吧
I know what they’re waiting for 我知道他们在期待什么
Tryna see something “sweet” occurs to me 期待有点“好事”降临在我身上
Don’t even try to hold me down 别想打倒我
Cuz I will finally get up 因为我屹立不倒
Close your lips 别哔哔赖赖
Keep your damn thoughts to yourself 自己退下脑补大戏吧
Tryna speak for somebody? 想当别人的发言人?
Just save it. 你级别还不够
Go get a life 请过好自己的日子
Don’t focus on someone else you don’t know at all 别对你并不了解的人做太多脑补
Ain’t nobody got time for that 闲的慌吗?
Cuz you ain’t got paid for that,baby? 靠解读别人又不能赚钱
If you’re fascinated with role game 如果你戏多到无法自拔
You can play a loser 你可以搭戏台演个卢瑟
Why so serious baby? 但别上升现实生活好吗,宝贝?
Complicated beat,I never try to fit in 姐从不掺合他人恩怨
Don’t get it twisted,you know I’m the boss ass bit 别上赶着解读我,姐向来坦坦荡荡
Walking on the street,saw you hiding in the corner 看你变得老鼠过街,人人喊打
Freaked out 惊慌失措的
Fell down 摔了个狗啃泥
Get out 逃跑的样子
Oh! 真的笑死
Complicated beat,I never try to fit in 姐从不掺合他人恩怨
Don’t get it twisted,you know I’m the boss ass bit 别上赶着解读我,姐向来坦坦荡荡
Walking on the street,saw you hiding in the corner 看你变得老鼠过街,人人喊打
Freaked out 惊慌失措的
Fell down 摔了个狗啃泥
Get out 逃跑的样子
Oh! 真的笑死
Shut your mouth 好了闭嘴
Thank you for giving a speech 谢谢你的致辞
Bite your tongue 请你安静如鸡
Ain’t nobody gives a 没人在乎你说啥
You can’t even sit with me sweetie 你甚至不配和我坐在一起亲爱的
Why don’t you just get up? 请自觉起身好吗?
I don’t give a  虽然我丝毫不在意
Now I make my rules 姐有姐的原则
That is all I gotta do 并且一直以此严以律己
I don’t care about the people’s gossip 不在乎谁的背后嚼舌
You don’t have a clue? 如果你不知道该怎么做人
I can tell you what to do 姐可以为你指点迷津
Better go to work and don’t play a trick 脚踏实地,别耍小聪明
You told me “got no passion to do it”  你跟我说没有热情努力
Trying to get something for nothing all over again 总想着偷工减料
But chasing a dream is never the same 但梦想从来就不可能不劳而获
Don’t imagine a pie dropping from the sky 别幻想天上掉馅饼
Look at you oh take a look at you 看你虚伪那样儿
Little hypocrite tryna pretend it’s wild ambition 装得多么积极向上实则无比懒惰
Someone who are full of passion are trapped in humiliation 显得那些脚踏实地的人反而黯然失色
UH You must learn all all all all the time,yeah 你需要静下来虚心学习
Go,get some change 做些改变
Ain’t nobody got time for that 闲的慌吗?
Cuz you ain’t got paid for that,baby? 靠解读别人又不能赚钱
If you’re fascinated with role game 如果你戏多到无法自拔
You can play a loser 你可以搭戏台演个卢瑟
Why so serious baby? 但别上升现实生活好吗,宝贝?
Complicated beat,I never try to fit in 姐从不掺合他人恩怨
Don’t get it twisted,you know I’m the boss ass bit 别上赶着解读我,姐向来坦坦荡荡
Walking on the street,saw you hiding in the corner 看你变得老鼠过街,人人喊打
Freaked out 惊慌失措的
Fell down 摔了个狗啃泥
Get out 逃跑的样子
Oh! 真的笑死
Complicated beat,I never try to fit in 姐从不掺合他人恩怨
Don’t get it twisted,you know I’m the boss ass bit 别上赶着解读我,姐向来坦坦荡荡
Walking on the street,saw you hiding in the corner 看你变得老鼠过街,人人喊打
Freaked out 惊慌失措的
Fell down 摔了个狗啃泥
Get out 逃跑的样子
Oh! 真的笑死
OH~Running out time没空跟你耗了
OH~Get out of my sight 滚出我的视线
Copy doesn’t make you look more like original hey no 赝品永远是赝品,入不了姐的法眼
Why are you getting so emotional 你为什么总是无理取闹
You ain’t run the pitchfork 你又不是管pitchfork(权威乐评)的
Stop daydreaming 别做梦了
Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁?
You’re just talking utter poppycock Oh~你只是个疯言疯语的八婆罢了
Complicated beat,I never try to fit in 姐从不掺合他人恩怨
Don’t get it twisted,you know I’m the boss ass bit 别上赶着解读我,姐向来坦坦荡荡
Walking on the street,saw you hiding in the corner 看你变得老鼠过街,人人喊打
Freaked out 惊慌失措的
Fell down 摔了个狗啃泥
Get out 逃跑的样子
Oh! 真的笑死
Complicated beat,I never try to fit in 姐从不掺合他人恩怨
Don’t get it twisted,you know I’m the boss ass bit 别上赶着解读我,姐向来坦坦荡荡
Walking on the street,saw you hiding in the corner 看你变得老鼠过街,人人喊打
Freaked out 惊慌失措的
Fell down 摔了个狗啃泥
Get out 逃跑的样子
Oh! 真的笑死
1.Should've Realized
2.Boss Ass Bit