Arrangement:Wesley Zheng
Producer:Wesley Zheng
Chorus Arrangement:Wesley Zheng
Piano:Wesley Zheng
Backing Vocal:Wesley Zheng/ Zhao Mengya
Recording Engineer :Jonathan Zhang/Du Mu
Recording Studio:Yogin Studio/Amu Studio
Mixing Engineer :Jonathan Zhang
Mastering Engineer :Jonathan Zhang
Mastering Studio :Yogin Studio
Creative Director:Wesley Zheng/Benji Z/Anton Zachary
Graphic Design:Benji Z
Photographer:Shi Zhi(@侍知)
Make-up&Styling:Shi Zhi(@侍知) &Ceny Lee
Got something to say 此刻纵然有千言万语
But couldn’t stop these teardrops falling all the way 走在路上却泪流不止
You remained speechless 当我出现在你家门口
When I show up to your home begging for a chance 乞求你再给我一次机会的时候,你一直保持缄默
Felt so alone 备受孤独折磨
It’s all my fault 一切皆因为我
Every night I wish I could take back all my words 每个夜晚都希望从来没说过那些话
I know words can hurt 我明白,恶语伤人六月寒
Should’ve realized 后悔莫及
Should’ve realized 后悔莫及
Stuck into the regret 受困于对你的悔意
Suffering from your hate 遭受着你对我的恨意
My heart’s broken when you treat me like air 当你视我为空气,我的心都碎了
Got no way to repair 感情已经无法修复
Our love has a crack 我们的爱产生裂纹
Want you back but I’m afraid of your stare 想要你回来,却又害怕你冰冷的眼神
I know,I know 我知道,我知道
Broken mirror can’t be repaired 破镜不能重圆
I know,I know,I know 我了解
Remember the days 还记得那些日子吗
When we walked hand in hand from sunrise to sunset 当我们手牵手从日出走到日落
You know what they say 有个传说
Couples who pass that bridge are gonna last till the end 经过那座桥的情侣会厮守到老
Felt so alone 备受孤独折磨
It’s all my fault 一切皆因为我
Every night I wish I could take back all my words 每个夜晚都希望自己从来没说过那些话
I know words can hurt 我明白,恶语伤人六月寒
Should’ve realized 后悔莫及
I should have realized 后悔莫及
Stuck into the regret 受困于对你的悔意
Suffering from your hate 遭受着你对我的恨意
My heart’s broken when you treat me like air 当你视我为空气,我的心都碎了
Got no way to repair 感情已经无法修复
Our love has a crack 我们的爱产生裂纹
Want you back but I’m afraid of your stare 想要你回来,却又害怕你冰冷的眼神
Thought you could be my home 曾坚定以为你会是我的命中注定
We could’ve had it all 我们可以拥有一切
I was so immature that hurt you babe 却因为不成熟的行为深深伤害了你
Standing outside the door 此刻站在门外
Hoping you could say something more 只希望你能回应什么
Don’t just ignore me 不要对我如此冷漠
Stuck into the regret 受困于对你的悔意
Suffering from your hate 遭受着你对我的恨意
My heart’s broken when you treat me like air 当你视我为空气,我的心都碎了
Got no way to repair 感情已经无法修复
Our love has a crack 我们的爱产生裂纹
Want you back but I’m afraid of your stare 想要你回来,却又害怕你冰冷的眼神
I know,I know 我知道,我知道
Broken mirror can’t be repaired 破镜不能重圆
I know,I know,I know 我了解
1.Should've Realized
2.Boss Ass Bit