{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 ArialMT;}
\f0\fs28 \cf0 \cb2 Electricity \
I can't really explain it, \
I haven't got the words \
It's a feeling that you can't control \
I suppose it's like forgetting, losing who you are \
But at the same time something makes you whole \
It's like there's music playing in your ear \
And I'm listening, and I'm listening \
and then I disappear\
And then I feel a change \
Like a fire deep inside \
Something bursting me wide open impossible to hide \
And suddenly I'm flying, flying like a bird \
Like electricity, electricity \
Sparks inside of me \
And I'm free I'm free \
It's a bit like being angry, it's a bit like being scared \
Confused and all mixed up and mad as hell \
It's like when you've been crying \
And you're empty and you're full \
But I don't know what it is it's hard to tell \
It's like that there's a music playing in your ear \
But the music is impossible impossible to hear \
But then I feel it move me \
Like a burning deep inside \
Something bursting me wide open impossible to hide \
And suddenly I'm flying, flying like a bird \
Electricity \
Sparks inside of me And I'm free I'm free \
Like electricity, electricity \
Sparks inside of me \
And I'm free I'm free \
It's a bit like being angry, \
it's a bit like being scared \
Confused and all mixed up and mad as hell \
It's like when you've been crying \
And you're empty and you're full \
But I don't know what it is it's hard to tell \
It's like that there's a music playing in your ear \
But the music is impossible impossible to hear \
But then I feel it move me \
Like a burning deep inside \
Something bursting me wide open \
impossible to hide \
And suddenly I'm flying, flying like a bird \
Like electricity, electricity \
Sparks inside of me \
And I'm free I'm free \
Free \
I'm free\
1.Slow Poke
2.Rotation Blues
3.I Was Sorta Wonderin'
4.Step It Up And Go
5.Always Late (With Your Kisses)
6.Too Old To Cut The Mustard
7.The Hot Guitar
8.Half As Much
9.Rocket '88'
10.The Rhumba Boogie
11.Just Out Of Reach (Of My Two Open Arms)
12.Chew Tobacco Rag
13.Let Old Mother Nature Have Her Way
14.(There'll Be) Peace In The Valley (For Me)
16.Hey Good Lookin'
17.Uncle Pen
18.Tis Sweet To Be Remembered
19.Honky Tonk Hardwood Floor
20.Down Yonder
21.The Shot Gun Boogie
22.The Golden Rocket
23.Cold Cold Heart
24.Poison Love
25.I Wanna Play House with You
26.Mom And Dad's Waltz
27.Let's Live A Little
28.Sick, Sober And Sorry
29.Mockin' Bird Hill