Like a ghost
A ghost of something old
It's cold and dusty in here
Just twenty years
And six feet down i'm told
I know your face
I share your name
In the dark
When shadows have their way
A finger's a chimney
And the moon's on fire
Then sleep arrives
He's got his bags and wares
The dragon sleeps
And st. george stares
You won't write, no you won't write
That's all i ask, that you just write
And you say no, that you can't speak
You've lost your voice, you let it go
You let it go
Like a ghost
A ghost of something old
It's cold and dusty in here
It's in your hand
It sits just like a glove
The finger traces the lines of love
It's cold and dusty in here
Someone you knew
Is watching you
I'm someone you knew
1.Streets of Your Town
2.Cattle and Cane
4.Bachelor Kisses
5.Draining the Pool For You
6.Spring Rain
7.The Wrong Road
8.The Clarke Sisters
9.Right Here
10.Bye Bye Pride
11.The House That Jack Kerouac Built
12.Love is a Sign
13.8 Pictures
14.I Need Two Heads
15.When People Are Dead
16.The Sound of Rain
17.People Say
18.World Weary
19.Rock and Roll Friend
20.Dusty In Here
21.A King in Mirrors
22.Second-Hand Furniture
23.This Girl, Black Girl
24.Don't Call Me Gone
25.Mexican Postcard
26.You Won't Find It Again
27.Man O'Sand to Girl O'Sea
28.Hammer the Hammer