Look What You've Done

It’s like ’09 in your basement and I’m in love with Nebby
犹记得09年 在你的地下室 我和内比沐浴爱河
And I still love her but it fell through because I wasn’t ready
我依然爱着她 但这都翻篇了 只因我还未完全准备好
And your back hurt, and your neck hurt, and you smoking heavy
最近你的背伤复发 吸的越来越凶 你的颈椎病也每况愈下
And I sit next to you, and I lecture you because those are deadly
所以我坐在你身边 与你谈心 我劝诫了你那些不好的行为
And then you ash it and we argue about spending money on bullshit
然而你粉碎了这些 开始与我争吵 关于那些打了水漂的钞票
And you tell me I’m just like my father, my one button, you push it
你还告诉我“你就像你那个混蛋父亲一样” 你触碰了我的逆鳞【注:Aubrey的父亲是个酒鬼 并且吸毒 在公鸭很小的时候就和他母亲离婚了 Drake一直跟着他的母亲生活】
Now it's "Fuck you, I hate you, I'll move out in a heartbeat"
被激怒的我大骂”去你的 我恨你 我会立刻搬走的“
And I leave out and you call me, you tell me that you're sorry
夺门而出 随即你打来了电话 你告诉我你很抱歉
You love me, and I love you, and your heart hurts, mine does too
你很爱我 我又何尝不是呢? 你的心如刀狡 殊不知我的心也同样煎熬啊
And it's just words and they cut deep but it's our world, it's just us two
这些言语刺伤了我们 但是这世界终究是我们二人的 只是我们二人而已 终将和解
I see painkillers on the kitchen counter, I hate to see it all hurt so bad
我看见了放在厨房台面上的止痛药 我厌恶看到这样的画面 太伤
But maybe I wouldn't have worked as hard
假如你还能保持健康的话 也不会落得这般境遇
If you were healthy and it weren't so bad
Uh, maybe I should walk up the street, and try and get a job at the bank
恩,也许我该上街 去银行找份正经工作了吧
Cause leave it up to me, J, and neeks, we're probably end up robbing a bank
Then Wayne calls on my phone, conversation wasn't that long
就在这时 Lil wayen打来电话 寥寥几句【关于韦恩发掘Drake的故事 感兴趣的可以去BTW的weibo上看看】
Gets me a flight to Houston in the morning
就敲定了我的未来 让我坐红眼在早晨抵达休城【休斯顿:美国的航天城 NASA的总部 因此得名】
Oh it's my time, yeah, it's on
我知道现在是我的时刻了 ,该走上正轨了
He's thinking of signing me, I come home
We make a mixtape with seventeen songs
我们在一起写了十七首曲子 把它们做成一个杂集【mixtape:杂集】
I almost get a Grammy off of that thing
从此刻开始 我大放异彩 拿奖拿到手软 就连格莱美也不在话下
They love your son man that boy gone
妈妈啊 这个世界在为你的儿子着迷着 那个曾经的愣头青已经一去不复返了
You get the operation you dreamed of
你得到了你的梦寐以求 人生赢家
And I finally sent you to Rome
我也终于获得了成功 送你去罗马【罗马非一日可以建成的】
I get to make good on my promise
我曾经许下过的誓言 【让他的妈妈过上幸福的生活】
It all worked out girl, we shoulda known
你我都已经知道 这已经圆满实现了
Cause you deserve it
Is this shit real, should I pinch you?
这TMD是真的么 我能恰你一下么?
After all the things that we been through, I got you
我们已经走过来了 从今以后 有我
Look what you've done, look what you've done
Look what you've done for me now
You knew that I was gonna be something
We stressed out, and you need some, I got you
曾经我们一家面临巨大的压力 现在不用怕了 你的身边有我
Look what you've done, look what you've done
It's like '06 in your backyard and I'm in love with Jade
还记得06年的夏天 在你家的后花园 我爱上了jade
And I'm still in love, cause when it's that real, it's when it doesn't fade
在我还溺在爱情里时 一切都看起来真实美好 这一切还未消失褪色时
And my father living in Memphis now he can't come this way
我的父亲生活于孟菲斯 他无法到这里来看我
Over some minor charges and child support that just wasn't paid
他只能做一些小工 只靠收小费维生
Damn, boo-hoo, sad story, black American dad story
艹,呵 ,悲剧而已,典型的美国黑人父亲的故事而已
Know that I'm your sister's kid but
舅舅啊 我不过是你姐姐的儿子
That still don't explain the love that you have for me
I remember sneaking in your pool after school dances
我仍然无法忘怀 学校舞会后 我偷偷的在你家的游泳池畅爽着
Damn your house feel like the Hamptons
艹,你的家就像hotel hamptons一样豪华
For all of my summer romances
I never really had no one like you man this all new shit
我真的从未拥有过向你一样的人生导师 崭新的世界大门对我敞开了
Made the world I know bigger, changed the way that I viewed it
我懂了 我可以创造一个更大的世界 以一种全新的方式
Had all this fighting going on at the crib
当然 那些在房间里的争吵与斗争【我觉得应该是freestyle jam或者cypher之类的比拼】
You would calm me down when I lose it
当我失利后 你总有办法让我沉静下来
Told you I think I'm done acting, I'm more in touch with the music
我叩响心门 来自内心的声音说 演戏 只是个开始 我还可以在音乐之路上走的更远【在开始做音乐之前 公鸭曾经是个肥皂剧的演员】
You said either way I'll be a star, I could go so far
你对我说”我也可以像你一样成为star 并且可以走的很远“
Talked to me, you got to me
你教会我的 与我的谈话 给予我的自信
Then you tossed the keys and loaned me your car
Yeah, just a young kid in a drop-top Lexus
Hopin' that I don't get arrested
把我护在羽翼下 让我避免帮派斗争与条子的麻烦
Just another kid that's goin' through life
So worried that I won't be accepted
在我未被录取时 为我担心
But I could do anything, you said that, and you meant that
但是你说 我无所不能 这对我来说意味着没有什么可以难倒我
You took me places, you spent that, they said no, we went back
你带我去了各地方面试 你花了大把的时间 最终他们却说了不行 于是我们灰溜溜的回来
Checks bounce but we bounce back
I put all the money in your accounts back
And I thank you, I don't where I'd really be without that,
我只想感谢你 最真挚的谢意 没有你的话我不知道会变成什么样
It worked out man, you deserve it
这都已经圆满实现了 你配得上这些
Is this shit real, should I pinch you?
这TMD是真的么 我能掐你一下么?
After all the things that we been through, I got you
我们一起挺过来了 往后的日子里有我在
Look what you've done, look what you've done
Look what you've done for me now
You knew that I was gonna be something
We stressed out, and you need some, I got you
曾经的我们没落潦倒 你需要一个顶梁柱 我站出来了
Look what you've done, look what you've done
回首往事 看看你为我付出的东西吧
1.Over My Dead Body
2.Shot For Me
4.Crew Love
5.Take Care
6.Marvins Room
7.Buried Alive Interlude - live
8.Under Ground Kings
9.We'll Be Fine
10.Make Me Proud
11.Lord Knows
12.Cameras / Good Ones Go Interlude
13.Doing It Wrong
14.The Real Her
15.Look What You've Done
16.HYFR (Hell Ya Fucking Right)
18.The Ride
19.The Motto
20.Hate Sleeping Alone (Bonus Track)