That's right nigga you gotta get your papers in this motherf**ker
没错 尼格 你得在这赚上你的钱
I ain't mad at ya at all
Aiyyo' what the f**k you wanna be when you grow up RahRah'
Aiyyo 当你长大了 你想当什么 RahRah
Nigga' is you stupid' I wanna be a motherf**kin' outlaw
尼格 你傻了吗 我想当一个特么的亡命之徒
That's right nigga' hahaha housin' these hoes' you feel me'
没错 尼格 哈哈哈 掌控这些女人 你懂我意思吗
Aight' know what I'm sayin'
是的 就是这样
You got to do that shit' keepin' it real nigga or what'
你得做一件事 保持真实还是什么
Keepin' it real
How old are you nigga'
你几岁了 尼格
I'm eleven
'Cause all I see is' murder murder' my mind state
因为我看见的只有谋杀谋杀 影响我的思绪
Preoccupied with homicide' tryin' to survive through this crime rate
他们一心想着杀人 我试着在高的犯罪率下活下去
Dead bodies at block parties' those unlucky bastards
Gunfire now they require may be closed casket
枪战过后 只会有更多紧闭的棺材
Who can you blame' It's insane what we dare do
Witness an evil that these men do' bitches in' too
目睹这些男人犯下的罪 女人也参与其中
In fact they be the reasons niggaz get to bleedin'
事实上 她们就是男人们为之流血的祸根
Pull the f**kin' fire when I leave 'em' you shoulda seen 'em
当我离开她们 我就扣动扳机 你应该看得清
Hostile hoes catch elbows Negroes disposed of
虚情假意的女人缠着我 我就干掉她们
And snitches get dealt with' with no love
Body bags of adversaries that I had to bury
敌人的装尸袋 我必须掩埋好
I broke the law and they jaw' all in the same flurry
我亵渎法律 司法部门也都慌张不已
But never worry
They'll remember me through history
Causin' motherf**kers to bleed
They'll label me a
Outlaw' outlaw' outlaw
亡命之徒 亡命之徒 亡命之徒
They came in to sin
Outlaw' outlaw' outlaw
亡命之徒 亡命之徒 亡命之徒
Dear God' I wonder could you save me'
亲爱的神 我想知道你是否可以拯救我
Before I close my eyes I fantasize I'm livin' well
闭上眼前 我幻想我的生活美好
When I awake and realize I'm just a prisoner in hell
当我醒来 却意识到我只是一个狱中的囚徒
Just as well' 'cause in my cell I'm keepin' pictures of these bastards
这也无妨 因为在监狱里我向每个罪犯学习
Excersisin' visualizin' everyone inside a casket
锻炼身体 自我幻想 每个人好像都在棺材里
Picture me blasted' surrounded by niggaz in masks
想象我枪战的画面 被蒙面的尼格们包围
Sent with the task to harass and murder my ass
Will I last' Heaven or Hell' Freedom or jail'
Shit's hard' who can you tell' And if we fail'
生活如此艰难 如果你失败了 你能给谁倾诉?
High speeds' and Thai weed on the freeway
高速公路 高速行驶 抽着泰国的麻
When will they learn to take it easy'
飞车枪杀 有人死了 毫无动机的谋杀
Drivebys and niggaz die' murder without a motive
By making motherf**kers fry
Got me runnin' from these coward-ass crooked-ass cops
直升机在上空悬停 直到我们倒下
Helicopters tryin' to hover over niggaz 'til we drop
没时间应对法庭 我唯一想做的就是开火
Got no time for the courts' my only thought is open fire
射击那个公诉人 但是干那个*子 因为她是个骗子
Hit the district attorney' but f**k that bitch' 'cause she's a lie
现在是时候去死了 我看见了法官 扫射这个碧池
Now it's time to expire' I see the judge' spray the bitch
我喊着 一群腐败的混蛋 然后冲出围栏
Motherf**kers is crooked' is what I scream' and hit the fence
几轮射击过后 增员加强 我开始坚持不住
I comense to get wicked' spittin' rounds as the plot thickens
Never missin' an early grave is my only mission
如果我死了 请别担心
If I die' never worry
Bury me beside my four-five
May God forgive me
我很嗨 给我打上标签
I was high' label me a
亡命之徒 亡命之徒 亡命之徒
Outlaw' outlaw' outlaw
They came in to sin
亡命之徒 亡命之徒 亡命之徒
Outlaw' outlaw' outlaw
亲爱的神 我想知道你是否可以拯救我
Dear God' I wonder could you save me'
社会骗了我 我从来不想变成这样
Society lied to me' I ain't never gonna try to be
我的团伙做着抢劫的勾当 重复着想出人头地的举动
My mob'll be doin' robberies' and stickups on these wannabe's
I witnessed niggaz lose they chest
只是因为普通的琐事 人们的身体停止了呼吸
For ordinary reasons niggaz bodies put to rest
So I just
喝上我的酒 再大喊 去他们的
Swallow my Beck's and holla' f**k 'em
And if I'm next
就让这个男人遵循街头准则 我无所畏惧
Just let a nigga step with somethin' I ain't fearin' nuttin'
如果这是我的命运 就让这个年轻的暴徒做好射击的准备
Young and thuggin' prepared for bustin' if that's my destiny
做好一切准备 你们这些尼格打不倒我
Ready for whatever' see you niggaz can't get the best of me
打压我 这么明显再别问了
Hold me down' definitely no need for askin'
现在他生气了 高速行驶 抽麻 射击
Now he mad' top speed' smokin' weed' blasted
因为当我开枪之时 他们会发抖 杀手吓哭了
'Cause when I bust 'em they gonna shiver' the killers cry
战士变成了尸体 漂浮在水面上 他们说什么呢
Soldiers got bodies floatin' in the river' what is they sayin'
还在说上帝保佑的东西 他们需要停下 这根本没用
Talkin' 'bout prayin' they need to stop' that ain't gon' help
这些尼格冲进我的地盘 想要夺走我的财富
These niggaz sprayin' up my block' tryin' to take my wealth
亡命之徒 亡命之徒 亡命之徒
Outlaw' outlaw' outlaw
They came in to sin
亡命之徒 亡命之徒 亡命之徒
Outlaw' outlaw' outlaw
亲爱的神 我想知道你是否可以拯救我
Dear God' I wonder could you save me'
亡命之徒 亡命之徒 亡命之徒
Outlaw' outlaw' outlaw
They came in to sin
亡命之徒 亡命之徒 亡命之徒
Outlaw' outlaw' outlaw
亲爱的神 我想知道你是否可以拯救我
Dear God' I wonder could you save me'
去特么的判决 我只有憎恨
坏警察 尼格奔波于街头
F**k the judge' I gotta grudge
哈哈哈 这只是一首歌而已
Punk police' niggaz run the streets
1995年 这个游戏变了 这些混蛋的所作所为令人陌生
Hahah' it ain't nuttin' but muzik
Shit's changed
1995 the game has changed' motherf**kers is actin' real strange
别当一个嫉妒别人的小人 去当一个创造者 尼格
The rules is all rearranged
去特么的 别当一个说唱艺人和陌生人
You got babies lyin' dead in the streets
当一个真的混蛋 保持真实 拿起武器
These punk police is crooked as me
But all I see is motherf**kers actin' less than G's
Stop bein' a playa-hater' be a innovator nigga
F**k that shit' don't be no entertainer and a stranger
我不会死 暴徒兄弟一起上
Be a real motherf**ker keep it real pack that steel
因为我说的就是 暴徒人生 baby
'Cause you know these streets is real deal
Muh'f**kers wanna see me in my casket
Jealous' motherf**kin' bastards
I never die' thug niggaz multiply
'Cause after me is thug life baby
Then the young thugs
Then the youngest thug of all
My nigga RahRah