神と人と(Cover :椎名豪)(Cover )

编曲:NBGI(椎名豪) 呗:Yukiと
编曲:NBGI(椎名豪) 呗:Yukiと
Memories keep flooding in showing the paths I should've taken, but
记忆像潮水一样 指示我应该走的路
now that time has run away from me I cannot change a thing.
现在 时间已经离去 我已无法改变一切
I remember how you'd counsel me with wisdom of the ages true:
我记得你你怎样劝告我 用真挚的智慧
"Live your best life" you told me and "You walk the earth but once"
“过好你的每一天”你告诉我 “人生只有一次”
and now you've come, to see me once again,
I feel safe at last; Although I feel the end is coming closer unto me.
最后我感到安心 尽管我感觉到终点 正在一步步接近我
If I could only travel back in time, to peaceful days gone by.
如果我能回到过去 到已逝去的平静日子
But this is my price to pay: to not survive beyond this very day.
哦,当你靠近我时,这份痛苦被减少 恐惧也随着消失
Oh, the pain is lessened when you're near, there is no fear.
我又像从前一样完整 即使只有一会儿
I'm whole again as in days gone by, if only for a while.
但是离开也会使你痛苦 我不想离去
But it hurts to have to leave you so, I don't want to go.
这种牺牲 会让我付出生命吗?
Could this sacrifice cost me my life?
哦,只是回到从前 珍惜每一刻,然后
Oh, just to live my life again, to treasure every little moment then,
满足 我愿意留下一切 接受我的命运
satisfied, I'd leave you all behind, accepting of my fate.
但我充满悲伤 离开这如此不完整的一生
But I am full of grief, to leave this life so incomplete.
My dream is coming to the end.
现在光明正在消逝 破碎的风带来了路途的尽头
你的声音带着我安全地走到现在 已经从我的耳朵里消失
And now the light is fading, broken wings have brought the journey's end.
你是我的一切 在我最黑暗的时候引导我的光芒
Your voice, that led me safe thus far is fading from my ears.
还不想道别 不想独自一人
You were everything to me, a light to guide me in my darkest hour;
然后你来到我身边 再一次将我抱起 最后我感到安心
don't want to say goodbye just yet, don't want to be alone
尽管我感觉到终点 正在一步步接近我
and then you come, to hold me once again, I feel safe at last.
如果我能回到过去 到已逝去的平静日子
Although I feel the end is coming closer unto me.
If I could only travel back in time, to peaceful days gone by.
哦 当你靠近我时 这份痛苦被减少 恐惧也随着消失
But this is my price to pay: to not survive beyond this very day.
我又像从前一样完整 即使只有一会儿
但是离开也会使你痛苦 我不想离去
Oh, the pain is lessened when you're near, there is no fear.
这种牺牲 会让我付出生命吗?
I'm whole again as in days gone by, if only for a while.
明日将永远不会到来 我的夜晚已经到来
But it hurts to have to leave you so, I don't want to go.
我必须远行 到无人之地
Could this sacrifice cost me my life?
记住我 珍惜每一天 无论发生什么
Oh, tomorrow will not ever come, my night's begun.
And I must travel far beyond, to places yet unseen.
哦 只是回到从前 珍惜每一刻 然后
Remember me, and treasure everyday; even come what may
满足 我愿意留下一切 接受我的命运
forget not the precious gift of time, I pray.
但我充满悲伤 离开这如此不完整的一生
Oh, just to live my life again, to treasure every little moment then,
satisfied, I'd leave you all behind, accepting of my fate.
But I am full of grief, to leave this life so incomplete.
My dream is coming to the end.
1.粘着系男子の15年ネチネチ(翻自 Vocloid VY2)(Cover )
2.翡翠のまち(翻自 Miku)(Cover )
3.東京サマーセッション(翻自 HoneyWorks)(Cover )
4.さよならだけが人生だ(翻自 伊东歌词太郎)(Cover )
5.Day you laugh(翻自 丰永利行)(Cover )
6.神と人と(Cover :椎名豪)(Cover )