Every thing I thought I'd learned
Ambition and illusion turned
To drawings on a loose leaf sheet
Of tarts and cakes I couldn't eat
What in her do I require?
The face of gratified desire
What in me does she require?
The face of gratified desire
Brownish spider,
Brownish leaf
Brownish spider,
Brownish leaf
Confirms my deepest held belief.
No more spider,
No more leaf,
No more spider,
No more leaf,
No more me,
No more belief.
1.In A Sweater Poorly Knit
2.Messes Of Men
3.Yellow Spider
4.Wolf Am I! (And Shadow)
5.The Dryness And The Rain
6.A Glass Can Only Spill What It Contains
7.Nice And Blue (Pt. 2)
8.The Sun And The Moon
9.Orange Spider
11.In A Market Dimly Lit
12.O, Porcupine
13.Brownish Spider