We took the twine we used to use
To tie up tight our tattered shoes
Twisted twigs and crooked cross
A necklace for the deeply lost
Builder with the broken bricks
Mother to the baby chicks
You made this world to look so nice
I wonder what the next one's like?
Yellow spider
Yellow leaf
Yellow spider
Yellow leaf
Yellow spider
Yellow leaf
Confirms my deepest held belief
1.In A Sweater Poorly Knit
2.Messes Of Men
3.Yellow Spider
4.Wolf Am I! (And Shadow)
5.The Dryness And The Rain
6.A Glass Can Only Spill What It Contains
7.Nice And Blue (Pt. 2)
8.The Sun And The Moon
9.Orange Spider
11.In A Market Dimly Lit
12.O, Porcupine
13.Brownish Spider