爱情パンデミックSolitude Blossom
花は幻想の果てにFelsic Mirage
Steady nightDione Aggregation
桜∞friendship (きりん Shining Summer Remix)Dione Aggregation
绯色月下、狂咲ノ絶Lyrical Crimson
コモレビ・デイドリームDefinite Energy
the 4seasons 4uLyrical Crimson
片月下円舞曲Lucent Wish
雾中の境界Solitude Blossom
miss illusionLucent Wish
遠く舞う華Innocent Abyss the Instrumental
LOVE&HAPPY!Innocent Abyss the Instrumental
Alegro?EastNewSoundBest vol.1
绯色月下、狂咲ノ絶 -1st Anniversary Remix-Sacred Factor the instrumental
夢と光Innocent Abyss the Instrumental
Dear me!Mindless Act the Instrumental
Hello!Mindless Act the Instrumental
Crescunt FalsaInnocent Abyss the Instrumental
Innocent Abyss the Instrumental
Absolute zero -273.15-Blaze Out the Instrumental
raging wavesInnocent Abyss the Instrumental
自己=証明Innocent Abyss the Instrumental
nothing guiltyFelsic Mirage the instrumental