The Tolkien Ensemble的歌曲列表
Gandalfs Riddle of the EntsThe Complete Songs & Poems
Call to Arms of the RohirrimThe Complete Songs & Poems
Gandalfs Song of LorienThe Complete Songs & Poems
Lament of the RohirrimThe Complete Songs & Poems
Galadriels MessagesThe Complete Songs & Poems
Bregalads SongThe Complete Songs & Poems
Lament for BoromirThe Complete Songs & Poems
Galadriel's Song of Eldamar IThe Complete Songs & Poems
Bilbo's SongThe Complete Songs & Poems
Verse of the Rings IIThe Complete Songs & Poems
Boromir's RiddleThe Complete Songs & Poems
Elven Hymn to Elbereth Gilthoniel IIThe Complete Songs & Poems
The Fall of Gil-galadThe Complete Songs & Poems
There is an inn, a merry old inn...The Complete Songs & Poems
Tom Bombadisl Song IVThe Complete Songs & Poems
Ho! Tom Bombadil IIThe Complete Songs & Poems
Ho! Tom Bombadil IThe Complete Songs & Poems
Tom Bombadils Song IIIThe Complete Songs & Poems
Tom Bombadils Song IIThe Complete Songs & Poems
Song to GoldberryThe Complete Songs & Poems
Tom Bombadils Song IThe Complete Songs & Poems
Song in the WoodsThe Complete Songs & Poems
Elven Hymn to Elbereth Gilthoniel IThe Complete Songs & Poems
Verse of the Rings IThe Complete Songs & Poems