Make money off of bein' myself
Get a glimpse of my potential, I believe in myself
随便瞥一眼 就知道我的潜能 我相信我自己
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah
It's gettin' harder to tell the difference between reality and dreams
The lines keep blurrin' like I'm drivin' half asleep
这界线越发模糊 就像疲劳驾驶的人一样
I'm invitin' you to see who's next up in this rap shit
Hooks, beats and verses, every song I score a hat trick
副歌 节奏 韵文 每首歌我都像耍把戏一样轻松得分
Always said I'd never sign but lately, I been tempted
我总说我不屑于签名 但最近我被怂恿
'Cause my dad just asked for gas money, my mom just said she spent it
因为我的父亲刚刚向我要加气的钱 我母亲说她刚花完
It's easy to pass judgement when you comfortable in life
当你过上安逸的生活时 旁人的偏见是很容易推翻的
But desperation breeds a beast, the truth won't always be polite
绝望的生活创造了恶霸 真相永远不会对你礼貌
So I'm fresh up off the flight, headed towards a life boat
所以我重新振作起来 展望日后美好的生活
Hope their word has good credit like a FICO
希望他们说话算话 就像财务模块般
Only time will tell but I been feelin' like it's my time
真金不怕火炼 这会是属于我的时代
How long you gonna keep your star player on the sidelines?
But, I'm the coach, guess God is the owner
我才是教练级别 神才是游戏真正的主人
Guess I'm just waitin' for that tap on my shoulder
我想我正在等待神的命令 我肩负着它
Tellin' me to go in, I'ma stop the game
口令一下 我就会来终结这场游戏
Blow the whistle like Snowden, young Terrell Owens
像snowden一样吹响口哨(美国正阳情报局前雇员 曾曝光监听门事件) 年轻的terrell owens(足球成绩在联盟里数一数二)
Makin' noise, still one of the greats though
欢呼吧 这依旧是最棒的庆祝方式
I never RIP, I want MVP written on my gravestone
我从不rest in peace 我只想当most valuable player 被铭刻在我的墓碑上
Your boy buzzin' in I swear this life is like a game show
你的男孩在我的咒骂声中不敢吱声 生活就像场游戏
One man army, when I sing, I get Tank hoes
当我开口时 一个人也像是支拥有坦克的军队
Yeah, you know that R&B freak love
r&b是毒品 惹人喜爱
Weed so loud, I need you all to speak up
叶子太招摇 我想让你们畅所欲言
I hope every album that I drop has Carter III buzz
Wake up, I'm tryna live a life you couldn't dream of
你醒醒吧 我在过着你想都不敢想的生活
I'm careful with who I include in all of this
'Cause most want a free ride but I ain't handin' out scholarships
多想来一场自由行 可我还得在学校维持我该死的学业
Went to college for a semester
All it taught me was that college ain't for everyone
我学到的只有 大学并不适合所有人
I'm not like everybody, so I left
所以我与众不同地 选择了离开
My mom still supported but she was upset
我母亲虽然支持我 但她的失望我也能看得出
'Till she saw the crowd scream my name out on Sunset
She got to watch her son light up the whole spot
Right there in that moment it's like she understood my whole plot
Different women, different offers every day now
现在每天都有不同的女人 不同的邀请
I could see the reason why some people wanna hate now
'Cause my past 24 been more action packed than Jack Bauer
我才24就已经有了比jack bauer还紧凑的行程(24小时中的主角 剧中唯一一个每集每季都出现的角色)
Made 100 thousand in the past hour
It's been a whirlwind, let me hit the blunt with you
这就是大势 让我不客气地打击下你
Barely in the industry and I already got trust issues
好不容易才拥有的产业 我已经得到了出版社的信任
Damn, or maybe past relationships, did that
I gave 'em all my trust and I ain't never get this shit back
我给了他们的信任 但他们却从未信任过我
But, fuck it, 'cause I'm on to new things
去你的 我要创造出属于我的新潮流
I looked up at the sky, long enough, I grew wings
我仰望天空 足够长 于是我生出了翅膀
Now I'm talkin' to myself like they gon' try and break you
我告诉自己 他们想击垮我的时候
God forbid that happens, breakdowns create break throughs
是老天阻止了这件事的发生 只有打破陈旧才能创造出全新的理论
I'm sittin' on the debut, sounds like your greatest hits
我依旧亮相于舞台 你对我最成功的打击听起来也不过如此
Labels tryna eat, so of course they want a stake in it
他们想要持股 想要有饭吃
And of course they talk of money, so of course I entertain this shit
当然他们也想加薪 我也在思考这件事
Of course they lookin' at my table tryna find a place to sit
他们看向我的桌子 尝试找一个能歇脚的地方
I'm patient with my process, weighin' all my options
审核消耗着我的耐心 我对此额外的付出着我的选择权
Ya'll talkin' way too much, all these phone calls sound like auctions
你们都开出了很多好条件 每通电话听起来都像拍卖一样
Funny 'cause you used to laugh when I would say I'm ready
Now the ones who doubted me are gonna tell you how they met me
When I'm standin' where I knew I would, number 1 spot
当我站在这里 我就知道我是赢家
Another year, another rapper, yeah, another one flop
又是一年 又是一个说唱家 又是一个人的倒下
Ya'll barely fuckin' the game, you on the scene for 5 minutes
你们都在这游戏中苟延残喘 出场时间不会过五分钟
Then you bust and it's over, I'm a movie, you're just a snippet
之后你会破产 游戏也因此结束 我的级别是电影 而你不过是小短片罢了
This that '89 Pistons, fuck the game up, get rings shit
这是89年的活塞队(89年活塞队的坏孩子们很强 与乔帮主较量也不逊色)该死的游戏开始了 我要得到冠军戒指后潇洒离场
Name your favorite rapper, bet I got him on my hit list
写下你最喜欢的说唱家 我保证我会将他列入我要击败的人的名单
Name your dream girl, bet I end up on her wish list
写下你心仪的女孩 我打赌我会帮她实现她的愿望清单
Tell me how you want it, beast raps, or I could sing shit
告诉我你有多想得到它 你那令人讨厌的说唱 我唱的都比你好听
It's time to wake up, industry full of hypnotists
是时候醒醒了 这行业充满可以催眠你的人
I speak for myself, I don't need a ventriloquist
我说唱是为了自己 不需要花骚的口技
I need a vacation to where the real people live
You just stay on vacation, havin' real ego trips
你也就是意识出游 继续神游去吧
You don't wanna admit, that without you I'd be fine
你不想承认的是 离开你的我依旧很好
But the truth is hard to swallow when you chokin' on your pride
当你的自尊心快要窒息时 真相是你难以忍受的
That goes for the girls I swooped in on
Made their brain drool, they gave top with a bib on
迷惑住她们的大脑 她们和口水帘一起高了潮
Always keep my switch on, watch me illuminate
我总是保持理性 看我继续发光发亮吧
Up at the studio, Drake is just a room away
当我从工作室醒来 drake刚从这里离开
Maybe I should barge in, maybe I should wait
或许我应该追上他 又或许我该静静的待着
This gon' be a funny story couple months from today
从今往后的这几个月里 这将成为一个有趣的故事
When I tell it, and it's like
当我提起时 就好像...
Damn, yup
该死 是的呢
1.I'm Here
2.The Stakeout
3.Act Now
4.Cherry Hill
5.Me You
6.Ride Slow
7.Don't Lie
8.Do It Myself
9.I Wanna Go Down With You
10.Family & Friends
11.What They Want
12.Got This
13.No Turning Back
14.Losin Control
16.Back To You
17.One More Shot
19.Pull The Trigger