这么久以来 这些身价数十亿的药商们就这样赚着我们的钱
Oooh, oooh, oooh
拿去贿赂给国会 所以我们只好继续吃着他们的卖的药
正义永远得不到伸张 他们永远也得不到应有的惩罚
They said it wasn't a gateway drug
尽管脸部渐渐麻木 可是我们还在随着这些颓废说唱摆动着身体
My homie was takin' subs and he ain't wake up
我见过太多兄弟用药过量 最后脸色惨白 鼻孔出血
The whole while, these billionaires, they kicked up
大概在那短短半分钟 我也曾差点被淹没在浴缸中 消逝在世间
Paying out congress so we take their drugs
Yams, DJ AM.他们没有我这么幸运
Murderers who will never face the judge
天呐 他们就是这么害人的
And we dancin' to a song about our face goin' numb
大家逐渐发现Sara,Katey,Billy 也深陷其中
But I seen homies turn grey, noses draining blood
I could've been gone,out 30's, faded in that tub
That's Prince, Michael and Whitney
that's Amy, Ledger and Pimp C
扩散到郊区 无处不在
That's Yams, that's DJ A.M
God damn they're making a killing
Now it's getting attention cause Sara,Katey and Billy
But this shit's been going on
from Seattle out to South Philly
但Purdue Farmer’s新出的镇痛药将会泛滥市场
It just moved out about the city
给我卖毒药的是那些丢了良心的庸医 庸医
And spread out to the 'burbs
他们的药都是从制药厂 药贩子那里买来的
Now it's everybody's problem
他骗我说这可以铲除我的病根 治愈我疾病
got a nation on the verge
没有别的 却只带来无尽的麻烦 烦恼
Take Activis off the market
给我卖毒药的是那些没有良心的庸医 庸医
jack the price up on the syrup
他们的药都是从制药厂 药贩子那里卖出来的
But Purdue farmer's 'bout to move that work
他试图要毒害我 置我于死地
[Ariana DeBoo]
不为别的 却只是为了那肮脏的钞票
My drug dealer was a doctor, doctor
Had the plug from Big Pharma, Pharma
他们低吼着 打开那瓶盖
He said that he would heal me, heal me
But he only gave me problems, problems
My drug dealer was a doctor, doctor
Had the plug from Big Pharma, Pharma
I think he trying to kill me, kill me
可是在被窝里还是感觉全身冰凉 汗流不止
He tried to kill me for a dollar, dollar
像天启里的四骑士破坏世界一样 药物依赖已经成瘾 破坏着我残存的世界
And these devil's they keep on talkin' to me
They screamin' "open the bottle"
I wanna be at peace
但处方药太贵 还是吗啡便宜合我意
My hand is gripping that throttle,
I'm running out of speed
但是去他妈的 我没有办法
Tryin' close my eyes
眼前开始迷糊 我想这就是这感觉 但又突然感觉焦虑不安 阵阵作呕
but I keep on sweatin' through these sheets,
戒过 试着戒过 但又有什么用 只好继续沉浸在药物的幻觉里
through these sheets
Four horseman, they won't let me forget
就像行尸走肉般或者 我失去了我想要的一切
I wanna forge a prescription,
拉上窗帘 在公寓里等待我生命的尽头
cause doctor I need some more of it
给我卖毒药的是那些丢了良心的庸医 庸医
When Morphine and heroine is more viewer budget
他们的药都是从制药厂 药贩子那里买来的
I said I'd never use a needle,
他骗我说这可以铲除我的病根 治愈我
but sure, fuck it
没有别的 却只带来无尽的麻烦 烦恼
I'm caught up, I'm on one, I'm nauseous
给我卖毒药的是那些没有良心的庸医 庸医
No options, exhausted
他们的药都是从制药厂 药贩子那里卖出来的
This is not what I started
他试图要毒害我 置我于死地
Walkin' carcass, I lost everything I wanted
不为别的 却只是为了那肮脏的钞票
My blinds drawn, too gone to leave this apartment
再来 还要 我还要
[Ariana DeBoo]
还要 还要
My drug dealer was a doctor, doctor
服药之前 已和死亡签下协议
Had the plug from Big Pharma, Pharma
Actavis, ambien, adderral, xanax binge
He said that he would heal me, heal me
这些药商选一个吧 已经没有回头路了
But he only gave me problems, problems
滥用药物成瘾的快感带给我愉悦 也在吞噬着我的身体
My drug dealer was a doctor, doctor
Had the plug from Big Pharma, Pharma
I think he trying to kill me, kill me
填满这瓶 再填满这瓶
He tried to kill me for a dollar, dollar
死亡就是终点 这就是结局
戒毒所或者是监狱 这就是结局
More, more, more
# Serenity Prayer(宁静祷文)#
Re-up, re-up
上帝请赐我平静 去接受我所不能改变的一切
赐我勇气 去改变我所能改变的一切
Death certificate signed the prenup
Ain't no coming back from this percocet
Actavis, ambien, adderral, xanax binge
Best friends with the thing that's killing me
Enemies with my best friend,
there's no healing me
Refilling these, refilling these
They say it's death, death
Institutions and DOC's
So God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I can not change
Courage to change the things I can
And the wisdom to know the difference
And the wisdom to know the difference
Oooh, oooh
Oooh, oooh, oooh