Glow In The Dark

If we want silver and gold and diamonds and pearls
Then everyone must play their part in this world
Servants will serve and kings will rule
仆人臣服 君王掌权
Pretend we don't know but I bet that you do
视而不见 心知肚明
Hypocrites point and call it corrupt
伪君子 称其迂腐
Ubiquitous chatrooms chatting about us
无处不在的社交 于无形中评判着我们
And I am not exempt from the whitest of noise
If I forfeit mark me isolated
抹去这一切 也意味着我的孤立
So turn off the lights watch me glow in the dark
关灯 请在黑暗中欣赏我的绽放
Take away the rug find me levitating
将地毯抽走 我浮于空中
Bet you'll think that I do it alone
想必你们会认为 自始至终都是我一人
To explain all this means further explaining
解释 从没有止境
Positive thoughts make a brighter you
乐观的思想 造就光彩动人的你
Your sense of community is going to kill you
融入其中 失去自己
2.Loves Missing
4.James Bond
5.Dirty Sanchez
6.Glow In The Dark
8.We Are The People
9.Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night
10.The Dawn