I spit in your face, preacers and leaders
Spewing false dogma to their believers
A nation of wolves haunting the sheep
Their fangs in your flesh
So painful and deep
Despise your heroes
Living a lie
Despicable heroes
Fooling the blind
Puppets on strings, face on the ground
Nothing more than a shallow farce
Consume the young, thoughtless ones
Eat their brain, leave them blind
And then destroy
I spit in the face of your preachers and leaders
Spewing false dogma to their believers
A nation of fools, nothing but sheep
Their fangs in your flesh, so painful and deep.
1.Marching On a Dead End Road
3.We Will Rise
4.Leader of the Rats
5.Dead Eyes See No Future
6.Exist to Exit
9.End of the Line
10.Silent Wars
11.Tear Down the Walls
12.Despicable Heroes
13.Saints and Sinners